The Virginian-Pilot
                            THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT  
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, August 11, 1994              TAG: 9408060070
SECTION: FLAVOR                   PAGE: F1   EDITION: FINAL 
COLUMN: Morsels 
SOURCE: Ruth Fantasia 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   29 lines


YOU DON'T have be Aunt Bee to enter a cooking contest at the state fair, but you do need a child.

At least you do for the parent/child cookie-baking contest at next month'sState Fair of Virginia in Richmond.

Parents, grandparents or guardians are eligible to enter the contest with a child who's 12 or younger on Oct. 30.

Recipes must be prepared from scratch and fall into one of four categories: chocolate chip, sugar, oatmeal or brownie. Entries will be judged on taste, appearance and originality.

The contest, which is sponsored by the Richmond-based Ukrop's grocery stores, will be from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Sept. 24 in the Home Arts building at the Richmond fairgrounds.

For applications or more information, write: Garnett Holdren, State Fair of Virginia, P.O. Box 26805, Richmond, 23261-6805. Or call 1-228-3200. by CNB