The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, August 17, 1994             TAG: 9408170011
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   27 lines


It is hard to believe that in Virginia, with a population of more than 6 million, the Democratic and Republican parties could come up with only Chuck Robb and Ollie North as candidates for U.S. Senate.

The next senator should be a person of honor and integrity, have common sense and be a scholar, be knowledgeable about the workings of government and respected by his (or her) peers and constituents.

Former U.S. Rep. and current ODU professor Bill Whitehurst fulfills all of these requirements impeccably.

He deserves to be a ``write-in'' candidate on the November ballot for the U.S. Senate and to be elected to that position. He will definitely be a positive and productive image for Virginia.


Virginia Beach, Aug. 11, 1994 by CNB