The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, August 26, 1994                TAG: 9408260588
DATELINE: ELIZABETH CITY                     LENGTH: Short :   27 lines


Winnie Wood, a longstanding figure in Camden politics, has stepped down as the county's Democratic Party chairwoman because she is moving out of the county.

Wood recently sold her house on the shores of the Pasquotank River and plans to make her residence in a new Elizabeth City condominium soon.

``I felt it needed to be someone who lived in the county,'' said Wood, who chairs Camden's Industrial Development Committee. ``Seemed to me it needed to be a resident, not just a worker and a taxpayer.''

Brian Forehand of Shiloh, first vice chairman of the Camden Democrats, will complete her two-year term that expires next March.

Forehand has been active in Camden politics for several years and served as party chairman in the 1980s.

Wood's late husband, George, served 10 years in the North Carolina General Assembly and ran unsuccessfully for governor in 1976. Winnie Wood also has run for state office. by CNB