The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, September 2, 1994              TAG: 9409020647
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B2   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   45 lines


Here are the actions from Tuesday's City Council meeting. All members were present. Unless otherwise noted, all actions were unanimous.


Recommendation of the City Planning Commission on the application of C & B Lift Truck by William B. Pleasants III, to close a portion of Shumadine Road between 38th and 39th streets.

Recommended action: authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing on Sept. 20.

Recommending a public hearing be set to hear comments on the proposed Berkley IV Redevelopment Project.

Recommended action: authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing on Sept. 20.

Recommending a public hearing be set to hear comments on a funding proposal for the Hampton Roads Regional Jail Authority.

Recommended action: authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing on Sept. 20.


An ordinance granting permission to Southshore Condominium Association to encroach into the right of way of Bayside Avenue, subject to certain conditions. Delayed two weeks.

An ordinance authorizing the city treasurer to docket a lien against certain lands or premises for the expenses to abate nuisances.

An ordinance creating and deleting positions in various departments of the city, authorizing the employment of two persons in a Special Project status in two departments, and providing funds for salaries.

An ordinance appropriating $750,000 in state grant funds to support planning a Community College campus.

An ordinance to amend and reordain sections 24-333, 24-241, 24-252, 24-260, 24-288 and to add three new sections numbered 24-240.1, 24-258.1, and 24-295.1 to the Norfolk City Code, 1979, to define person and seller, require separate accounts for meals, lodging and admissions taxes, provide for remittance of monies to the commissioner of the revenue and to establish the penalty for violation of the Lodging and Meals Tax provisions. Delayed indefinitely. by CNB