The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Tuesday, September 6, 1994             TAG: 9409060160
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C3   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   38 lines


Sure, the Tides ended up losers for the third consecutive season and out of the playoffs for the sixth year in a row. But were future Mets developed?

Pitcher Jason Jacome and outfielder Jeromy Burnitz are in the Mets' mix for next season, but they wound up in Norfolk only because of the strike. Of the others who ended the season in Norfolk, probably no more than a few fit into the possible plans of the big league club - whenever ``next season'' arrives.

The Mets badly need a decent leadoff hitter, so second baseman Quilvio Veras, despite a poor offensive year as a Triple-A rookie, figures to get a long look in spring training. The Mets will worry about moving Jeff Kent later.

Depending on his performance as a utility man in the Arizona Fall League, Aaron Ledesma, a pleasant surprise, could find room on the Mets - at the expense of Jeff McKnight, Luis Rivera or Tim Bogar.

Reliever Mike Cook has a shot at the Mets' bullpen. He is 31, yet he became a ``prospect'' in the Mets' eyes in his first season in the organization. Others with an outside chance for a bullpen home? Joe Roa and Pete Walker, probably.

As for fan favorite Butch Huskey, the big fella will be back at Harbor Park. Development takes extra time for some - if it happens at all. ILLUSTRATION: Graphic

Predictions for Tides

[player, age, Pos. Outlook]

For copy of graphic, see microfilm.

by CNB