The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, September 7, 1994           TAG: 9409070065
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   74 lines


BELLY-UP, boys and girls. Got a real smorgasbord cooking today.

HEARTTHROBS: Pitch woo for less. Columbia TriStar has reduced ``Sleepless in Seattle,'' the Tom Hanks-Meg Ryan date flick, to $19.95. That hasn't gone unnoticed by FoxVideo, which is re-re-releasing ``An Affair to Remember,'' the Cary Grant-Deborah Kerr date flick that inspired ``Sleepless,'' at $9.98.

CARY ON: FoxVideo gets classy with the new titles in its Studio Classics series: Cary Grant in ``I Was a Male War Bride'' (1949) and ``People Will Talk'' (1951). In ``War Bride,'' the debonair Brit fakes a French accent and squeezes into a skirt to follow Ann Sheridan back to the States. He plays a medical professor with a radical idea - that a patient's feelings ought to be considered - in ``People.'' Jeanne Crane co-stars. Both are $19.98.

DANCE MARATHON: If the 185-minute ``Dances With Wolves'' was an epic, what does that make the 236-minute ``Dances With Wolves''? Orion is packaging an extended mix of the 1990 Oscar winner in a gift box that includes a feature on making the film, a fancy book about it and six theater lobby cards. $79.98.

EYE-EYE: CBS Video toots its horn - twice - with ``60 Minutes . . . 25 Years'' and ``One for the Road With Charles Kuralt and Morley Safer.'' $19.98 each.

PLAY BALL? Orion steps up with ``The National Pastime, A History of Major League Baseball.'' The $69.98 mega-set includes ``The Official History of Baseball,'' ``Baseball's Greatest Pennant Races,'' ``The Greatest League Championship Series'' and ``The 50 Greatest Home Runs in Baseball History.''

SUCH A DEAL: MGM/UA has family stuff: ``The Black Stallion,'' ``The Black Stallion Returns,'' ``Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,'' ``Captain Sinbad,'' ``Tom Thumb,'' ``Flipper,'' ``Flipper's New Adventure,'' ``The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'' (1960), ``Tom Sawyer'' (1973), ``Thunderbirds Are Go,'' ``Thunderbirds Six,'' ``All Dogs Go to Heaven'' and ``The Secret of NIMH'' ($14.95 each).

MGM/UA has scary stuff: ``Forbidden Planet,'' ``The Hunger,'' ``Cat's Eye,'' ``Brainstorm,'' ``Invasion of the Body Snatchers,'' ``It! The Terror From Beyond Space,'' ``Carrie'' and ``Child's Play'' ($14.95 each), and ``The Fearless Vampire Killers,'' ``Demon Seed,'' ``House of Dark Shadows'' and ``Night of Dark Shadows'' ($19.98 each).

Guess-Who has Guess-What stuff: ``A Christmas Carol,'' ``Christmas in Connecticut,'' ``A Christmas Story,'' ``The Nutcracker,'' ``Little Women'' ($14.95 each) and ``How the Grinch Stole Christmas'' ($12.95).

Fox Lorber is putting out Streamline's heavy-duty Japanese animation. ``Akira,'' ``Vampire Hunter D,'' ``Robotech II: The Sentinels,'' ``Fist of the North Star,'' ``The Professional: Golgo 13'' and ``Affair on Nolandia.'' $19.98 each.

Columbia TriStar has marked down ``Bram Stoker's Dracula'' and ``Candyman'' to $19.95.

Finally, Cabin Fever has ``Gypsy,'' with Bette Midler doing her best Rosalind Russell, for $14.95.

TOP TAPES (in this week's Billboard):

Sales: ``Thumbelina,'' ``Beethoven's 2nd,'' ``Ace Ventura: Pet Detective,'' ``Woodstock: Three Days of Peace & Music,'' ``The Return of Jafar''

Rentals: ``Philadelphia,'' ``On Deadly Ground,'' ``Grumpy Old Men,'' ``The Pelican Brief,'' ``Tombstone'' THE COUCH REPORT

Not much going on today, what with the kids in school and us other stiffs back at the grindstone.

``Combination Platter'' follows a Chinese immigrant making a go of it in America (no rating); ``PCU'' reworks ``Animal House'' for the '90s (R), and Tom Berenger brings Erika Eleniak to the brig in ``Chasers'' (R, moved from August). ILLUSTRATION: Photo


Cary Grant dresses up in drag in ``I Was a Male War Bride.

by CNB