The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, September 8, 1994            TAG: 9409070050
SECTION: FLAVOR                   PAGE: F1   EDITION: FINAL 
COLUMN: Morsels 
SOURCE: Ruth Fantasia 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   42 lines


THEY'RE A LITTLE crunchier and little more crumbly. Otherwise, Nabisco's new reduced-fat Chips Ahoy! cookies taste the same as the old favorites.

And so it goes with the rest of Nabisco's new reduced-fat line of cookies and crackers. The differences in taste and texture are subtle enough to fool even dedicated junk-food junkies.

The company has launched reduced-fat versions of all its top-selling items, including Oreos, Ritz Crackers, Wheat Thins, Triscuits and Better Cheddars. All contain at least 25 percent less fat than the original. Triscuit is tops, with a 40 percent reduction.

We tried the reduced-fat Oreos and found the chocolate cookie portion to be identical in taste and texture to the original. The creamy middles didn't have all the grit we're accustomed to, but we didn't feel deprived.

That's probably because we aren't missing that much.

While three regular Oreos contain 150 calories and 7 grams of fat, three reduced fat Oreos contain 140 calories and 5 grams of fat. The same holds true for the Chips Ahoy!, which contain 8 grams of fat in the regular version vs. 6 grams in the reduced fat version.

Prices are comparable to the regular versions, but a bag of reduced-fat Chips Ahoy! contains four fewer cookies than a regular bag.

Most of the line is available in grocery stores now at an introductory price. We paid $2.79 for a 16-ounce bag of reduced-fat Chips Ahoy! The bag has a suggested retail price of $2.99. Suggested retail prices on the rest of the reduced-fat products are: $3.29 for a 20-ounce package of Oreos; $2.99 for a 14.5-ounce box of Ritz; and $2.39 for a 9.5-ounce box of Wheat Thins, an 8.5-ounce box of Triscuits or a 6.75-ounce box of Better Cheddars. ILLUSTRATION: Color photo

Nabisco products

by CNB