The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Tuesday, September 13, 1994            TAG: 9409130467
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A2   EDITION: FINAL 
SOURCE: - Staff writer Keith Monroe
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   60 lines


ILLUSTRATION: [Photo of Oliver North]

Candidate: Oliver North

Title: Stand Up.

When: Scheduled locally through Sunday, Sept. 18.


Narrator, in voice of understated drama, says: ``In Vietnam, his

bravery earned the Silver Star. When terrorists captured the Achille

Lauro cruise ship and murdered an innocent American, he worked

tirelessly to help launch the commando raid that captured them. He

helped plan the rescue of American students on Grenada and helped

freedom fighters end communism and bring free elections to

Nicaragua. Ollie North -- always the courage to stand up for

freedom. Today, the courage to stand up for Virginia families in the

U.S. Senate.''


Montage of clips shows combat clips from Vietnam, pictures of

medals, the Achille Lauro cruise ship, a flag-draped coffin, a New

York Daily News headline: ``We Bag the Bums''; mug shots of four

terrorists, amphibious ships landing on Grenada; a student kissing

the tarmac of a runway, Contras on patrol, goose-stepping soldiers,

Nicaraguan President Violetta Chamorro; Ollie North raising his

right hand to take the oath before the congressional committee

investigating Iran-Contra in 1987; North giving a campaign speech.

What's the message: The ad was unveiled during ``60 Minutes'' on

Sunday to counteract claims, made earlier in the program by former

National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, that North lied to

President Reagan and Congress about his role in an arms-for-hostages

deal with Iran and clandestine efforts to aid anti-communist rebels

in Nicaragua. "This is not somebody you want in public life,"

McFarlane said.

The spot paints North as a patriot who has fought for freedom at

every turn. It is part of North's strategy of running on the

Iran-Contra scandal, not away from it. The ad focuses on North's

patriotic motivations and steers clear of questions about the the

wisdom and legality of his actions, such as the unathorized

diversion of arms sales profits to the Nicaraguan Contras. Finally,

the ad asks viewers to see his Senate candidacy as an extention of

his freedom-fighting efforts, this time for the rights of "Virginia


Factual matters: North was decorated in Vietnam, did play a role

in capturing the Achille Lauro terrorists, in planning the Grenada

operation and in aiding the Contras. However, there are omissions

such as the fact that North helped the Contras at a time when such

aid was restricted by Congress and that North was convicted of three

felonies (later overturned) for his role in Iran-Contra.