The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, September 18, 1994             TAG: 9409160443
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   40 lines


I read with great disappointment your editorial last Sunday on the canebrake rattlesnakes. Your treatment of this issue in such a sarcastic manner was, in my opinion, totally uncalled for. It certainly leads me to believe that you spent very little, if any time at all, gathering the facts on this issue. There was no mention in your editorial about the statement's ability to interfere with an individual's private property on behalf of these snakes. Nor did you reveal that state funds are being used to capture these dangerous rattlesnakes to implant them with transmitters and then placing them in Northwest River Park. They could put them in the Dismal Swamp, but that isn't quite as convenient for the researchers.

My greatest disappointment with your editorial, however, came with your treatment of Del. Randy Forbes. Del. Forbes attended our meetings, listened to our concerns, and contacted state officials to research this issue further. Del. Forbes listened to us and responded - not with a ``shriek'' - but with his usual insightful, intelligent and caring approach. You fail to give him credit for his responsiveness. Yet if a rattlesnake with a transmitter were to bite a child or if taxpayers cried out over the use of their money in funding this study, you would be the first to subject our elected officials to your strong criticism and outright blame for their apathy.

I am proud to have Del. Forbes as our elected representative, and I cannot think of anyone I would rather have representing me, the Chesapeake Farm Bureau, or the citizens of Chesapeake.

Billy Culpeper


Chesapeake Farm Bureau

Buskey Road by CNB