The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Tuesday, September 20, 1994            TAG: 9409200007
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   40 lines


After reading your report on Richmond Judge James R. Spencer (news, Sept. 9), I had to write. His overturning of the death sentences of three criminals when Virginia is going through its most violent period is detestable.

In my seven years in Virginia, I have seen two men who committed heinous crimes of dismembering women receive life in prison. One man who repeatedly stabbed, then set on fire his girlfriend also received life in prison. With the recent incident of a policeman being gunned down, the prospect is for more criminals to spend life in prison, thanks to judges like Spencer.

Gov. George Allen is trying to eliminate parole in prison. Overcrowding of prisons is imminent. What happened to the death penalty? I believe it is still in effect. Let's use it or fire the judges who will not.


Virginia Beach, Sept. 9, 1994

After reading your report on Richmond Judge James R. Spencer (news, Sept. 9), I had to write. His overturning of the death sentences of three criminals when Virginia is going through its most violent period is detestable.

In my seven years in Virginia, I have seen two men who committed heinous crimes of dismembering women receive life in prison. One man who repeatedly stabbed, then set on fire, his girlfriend also received life in prison. With the recent incident of a policeman being gunned down, the prospect is for more criminals to spend life in prison, thanks to judges like Spencer.

Gov. George Allen is trying to eliminate parole in prison. Overcrowding of prisons is imminent. What happened to the death penalty? I believe it is still in effect. Let's use it or fire the judges who will not.


Virginia Beach, Sept. 9, 1994 by CNB