THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Thursday, September 22, 1994 TAG: 9409220008 SECTION: FRONT PAGE: A14 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Letter LENGTH: Short : 35 lines
It breaks my heart to think of Virginians being duped by a demagogue - ``a person who tries to stir up people by appeals to prejudice and emotion in order to win them over quickly and to gain power'' (Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition).
``Demagogue'' clearly describes Oliver North.
Many of us are disappointed by the direction our country is taking, and we are overwhelmed with problems. We want fast, painless solutions, and this understandable desire makes us vulnerable to a charming, accomplished actor who says all the right things.
But we need to really think, to look at facts and not be fooled by charm. Suppose, for instance, that Ted Kennedy had sold arms for hostages in President Clinton's White House, diverted money to the Irish Republican Army, then lied to Congress about it. Partisanship causes people to condone abuses for their particular cause that they would never condone in an adversary.
Anyone who wraps himself in the American flag and holds a Bible needs to be looked at past the emotionalism. We respect the Bible and our flag, and it is tempting to follow such a man. But a lot of things have been done in the name of morality.
We need to work for a lawful world, not wink at lawlessness. We need to ask questions and refuse to be swept away by appearances.
Norfolk, Sept. 14, 1994 by CNB