The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, September 23, 1994             TAG: 9409220196
TYPE: The Sports Editor's Column 
SOURCE: Lee Tolliver 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   53 lines


After a winless inaugural campaign, the Tallwood football team fought back for two victories last season.

And in four of the Lions' losses, the difference was three points or less.

A step in the right direction, it seems, was just around the corner.

Now, two games into the 1994 season, Tallwood is 2-0 with plenty more to be hopeful about.

Should the Lions get past Salem tonight, they will be 3-0 with a 6-0 record three weeks down the road a very safe bet. After Salem, Tallwood plays Cox, Kellam and Ocean Lakes - three teams that aren't offering the best opposition at this point.

Even if Tallwood falls to Salem, the Lions have an excellent opportunity to be 5-1 with four games remaining. Unfortunately, those four games will be against the best teams in the Beach.

But 6-4 or 5-5 is a major step for such a young program - one that is playing this season with an almost entirely new offensive unit.

At Tallwood, it is the defense that is turning heads and winning games.

The Lions are ranked first in South Hampton Roads in points allowed and seventh in total yardage per game. The defensive unit has earned a quick reputation for bending, but not breaking. They have several goal-line stands to boost their confidence.

But 6-0 in the third year after 2-18 in the two prior?

``We're real happy about the success we're experiencing,'' coach Ken Barto said. ``We've been working real hard and the kids had a good off-season.

``Yes, we're real excited.''

But 6-0?

``Every team wants to be unbeaten and so do we,'' Barto continued. ``But this is the kind of team right now that has to take one game at a time. We're looking at Salem and nobody else. With every win, our chances get better and we get better as a team.''

Thanks to the defense.

``Our defense is really giving us some backbone and some room for the offense to make a few mistakes as it matures,'' Barto said. ``Every coach knows that the offense comes slower. But we're getting there.''

So what do you think, coach, 7-0, maybe 8-0?

``If we can beat Salem and then push it to 6-0, our chances of beating the four teams left will greatly increase,'' Barto said. ``But we've got four games to play before that and like I said, this isn't a team that can afford to look past anybody.'' by CNB