The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, September 25, 1994             TAG: 9409230267
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   71 lines


THERE ARE SOME new faces in the principals' offices at E.W. Chittum Elementary and Portlock Primary schools this year. We asked them to tell us a little bit about themselves.

Joanne T. Sawyer

E.W. Chittum Elementary School

Age: 42

Birthplace: Jersey City, N.J.

Family: Husband, Greg Sawyer; no children

Pets: Two golden retrievers, Brodie and Cassie

Hobbies: Looking for and collecting antiques, reading and roller blading

Book you'd recommend: Any of John Grisham's books for pleasure reading

Education: Bachelor's degree in elementary education; master's degree in education

Previous jobs: Most recently, assistant principal at D.H. Truitt Middle School, three years, and Carver Intermediate School, four years. Before that, special education coordinator for Chesapeake schools, 6 1/2 years; teacher of learning disabled children at Sparrow Road Intermediate, half a year; curriculum specialist for Chesapeake's preschool program, one year; teacher of emotionally disturbed children at the Edwards Wilson Center, one year; teacher of emotionally disturbed and learning disabled children in private schools in Virginia Beach and Portsmouth, four years

Proudest achievement as an educator: Influencing students to stay in school and continue their education

Goals for your school: Continued academic growth in all major instructional areas, continued parental involvement in the school and the provision of a safe, secure school that has a curriculum to meet the needs of all learners with varied interests, talents and abilities

Challenges you face: Not enough hours in the day to do everything

Patricia R. Selden

Portlock Primary School Age: 45

Birthplace: Norfolk

Family: Three daughters, Charita, Traci and Kimmie

Hobbies: Reading (avid reader), browsing (and sometimes shopping) in antique and specialty shops

Education: Bachelor's degree in elementary education, master's degree in supervision and administration

Previous jobs: Most recently, assistant principal at Portlock Elementary (before the name changed to Portlock Primary) from 1987 until this year. Before that, sixth-grade teacher at Treakle and Central elementary schools from 1971-1987

Proudest achievement as an educator: My proudest achievement as an educator has been my recent promotion from assistant principal of Portlock Elementary to principal of Portlock Primary, with overwhelming support from our staff and parents in the Portlock community.

Goals for your school: To continue to operate smoothly as we undergo a complete renovation and new construction; to maintain the best possible learning environment for our children; to maintain the teamwork, unity and pride that exists in our school

Challenges you face: Accomplishing these goals will be a challenge. It will require the cooperation, involvement and support of our staff and parents. ILLUSTRATION: Photo by GARY C. KNAPP

Joanne Sawyer, principal of E.W. Chittum Elementary School, is proud

that she has influenced students to continue their education.

Staff photo by STEVE EARLEY

Patricia Selden, principal of Portlock Primary School, is grateful

for the support she's had from parents in the Portlock community.

by CNB