The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, September 25, 1994             TAG: 9409250036
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A19  EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  110 lines


Here's how area members of Congress were recorded on major roll call votes in the week ending Sept. 23.


HAITI: By a vote of 353 for and 45 against, the House adopted a resolution (H Con Res 290) commending the diplomatic and military moves Sept. 17-18 that landed U.S. troops in Haiti without bloodshed and set the stage for Haiti's military dictatorship to relinquish power. The measure called for withdrawing U.S. forces ``as soon as possible'' but set no deadline.

A yes vote was to pass the resolution.

Herbert H. Bateman, R-Va. Yes

Owen B. Pickett, D-Va. Yes

Robert C. Scott, D-Va. Yes

Norman Sisisky, D-Va. Yes

Eva Clayton, D-N.C. Yes

H. Martin Lancaster, D-N.C. Yes

SCHOOL PRAYER: By a vote of 369 for and 55 against, the House urged its conferees to take a stand for constitutionally permitted school prayer on a bill renewing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (HR 6). Considering the same bill in March, the House voted nearly six-to-one to allow prayer when it is voluntary by students and not an organized assembly. But the Senate adopted conflicting language that could force students to go to court to establish their right to pray in school.

A yes vote was to reaffirm House support of constitutionally permitted prayer in schools.

Bateman Yes

Pickett Yes

Scott No

Sisisky Did not vote

Clayton Yes

Lancaster Yes

SMALL BUSINESS: By a vote of 370 for and 48 against, the House sent to conference with the Senate a bill (HR 4801) to reauthorize the Small Business Administration's financial support programs. For FY `95, the bill authorizes about $12.3 billion in loan guarantees, $1.8 billion in surety bond guarantees and $175 million in direct loans. Those levels would rise in FY `96-97.

Businesses eligible for the support are generally those with up to 500 employees or, in some instances, 1,500 employees, among other criteria including revenue levels. The bill establishes an Office of Women's Business and expands benefits for exporters and very small businesses, among other provisions.

Bateman Yes

Pickett Yes

Scott Yes

Sisisky Yes

Clayton Yes

Lancaster Yes

A yes vote was to pass the bill.

FUNDING DISPUTE: By a vote of 176 for and 242 against, the House rejected a bid to shift $38 million for Small Business Administration grants to a separate SBA program that helps businesses meet pre-payment penalties when they refinance loans. The vote occurred during debate on HR 4801 (above). The disputed funding is for 26 projects ranging from $200,000 for a National Data Center in Conway, Ark. to $15 million to spur tree planting in communities. Although not authorized by any committee, the money resides in a separate appropriations bill for the SBA.

Bateman No

Pickett No

Scott No

Sisisky No

Clayton No

Lancaster No

A yes vote was to transfer the $38 million for constituency projects to a program concerning loan prepayment penalties.


HAITI: By a vote of 94 for and five against, the Senate approved a resolution (HJ Res 259) praising President Clinton, the U.S. military and administration negotiators for their actions Sept. 17-18 averting war in Haiti and creating conditions for democratic rule there.

A yes vote was to commend the U.S. administration and military for their handling of the crisis in Haiti.

John W. Warner, R-Va. Yes

Charles S. Robb, D-Va. Yes

Jesse A. Helms, R-N.C. Yes

Lauch Faircloth, R-N.C. No

D.C. BUDGET: By a vote of 71 for and 27 against, the Senate approved the conference report on the FY `95 appropriations bill (HR 4649) for the District of Columbia. The $3.5 billion measure includes a $660 million payment to compensate D.C., in part, for property tax revenue the city loses because of federally occupied land. The bill requires D.C. to reduce its deficit during the year by $140 million.

A yes vote was to pass the bill.

Warner Yes

Robb Yes

Helms No

Faircloth No

Copyright 1994, Thomas Reports, Inc. by CNB