The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, November 2, 1994            TAG: 9411020002
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A20  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Opinion 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   71 lines


Your front-page profile ``David Crane is a man on a mission'' (Oct. 9), telling of my involvement in pro-life activism/necessary force, distorted reality and misrepresented my views and actions.

The article related how I am the kind of guy who would disrupt a memorial service by heckling the grieving friends and family of a slain abortionist and how I am a feared man who's been violent in the past; everyone is watching, waiting and wondering how far I will go.

Key information and comments were edited from the text. I do not know if the editing was practical or malicious, but I can say that readers were misled and deceived.

I and the ministries I work with are presented as radical terrorists who may kill an abortionist any day now. I did sign a petition declaring the equality of life in and out of the womb. I have long held the belief that the unborn child has every right to life and defense of life that we born people currently enjoy.

I believe it is justifiable to defend the unborn from murderers by whatever means necessary, just as the law currently allows in defense of born children.

But I have also stated that I will work only through peaceful means. My six years of involvement in scores of peaceful events has borne this out. We are a high-profile, public, above-ground outreach. We know our current methods are very effective in saving the children (and their moms) who are at risk of abortion.

The ``memorial service'' I reportedly disrupted was actually an event at the annual National Coalition of Abortion Providers convention. The event we protested was a ``pro-choice rally/memorial service'' led by the NCAP director, who praised the late Dr. Gunn for his service to the cause, similar to praise given slain civil-rights leaders.

Some of those with me called out prior to the start of the event, but they simply held signs and were silent once the emcee stepped up to the mike. We did not attend the actual memorial service for friends and family, which had been held one year earlier - shortly after Gunn's death.

Then there was the incident inside the Hillcrest ``abortuary,'' where Director Susette Caton said I pushed her down. She charged me with simple assault. The court said I was guilty, but three eye-witnesses and I still hold a different view. The testimony didn't seem to matter to the court. The reporters had asked me for my side of this story, but left it out of the article.

I was told by one of the writers that this missing information was edited out. I am more concerned that I'm allowed to be heard than agreed with. Some of my friends refused to talk with the reporters fearing misrepresentation. Maybe their fears were proved legitimate.

I would never disrupt anyone's funeral or memorial service. But I would and did protest a pro-choice event, attended by abortionists from across the nation, to praise another abortionist for his mass murders.

While we recognize the rights of the unborn to be defended by whatever means necessary, we are completely committed to work through lesser means due to our effectiveness and practical considerations.

The ministries I serve with and I will continue to reach out to, and defend, the women and children at risk of abortion. We offer truth, practical help and positive alternatives. We proclaim the injustice of dehumanizing a segment of society and allowing its mass slaughter.

We know this fight for life is being won as more and more caring people get involved and make a difference. MEMO: Mr. Crane is director of Life Ministries of Virginia and Citizens for

Justice, based in Norfolk. by CNB