The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, November 4, 1994               TAG: 9411040008
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A20  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   39 lines


George Sweet's desire for public office has driven him to distort events within the defense community.

As a leader of the largest management association at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, the Federal Managers Association, I can attest that men and women in the defense industry of this area have had the best congressman in this country serving them. Congressman Norman Sisisky has been a true leader, spokesman, advocate and friend to the federal and private-industry workers who keep the defense of this country strong.

Misrepresenting the downsizing of this area's industrial-based employment and laying the blame on Sisisky show how truly unprepared Mr. Sweet is to represent the voters of the 4th District. If this district had not had Norman Sisisky in Washington, the Cold War downsizing may have resulted in disastrous cuts.

Congressman Sisisky has led the fight to keep Hampton Roads the Navy's prominent East Coast port. It was with his ingenuity and non-partisan efforts that CVN-76 is now reality. The experience and sincere desire to represent his constituents on defense moved Sisisky to insist that planners in the Pentagon view their force structure sensibly.

As BRAC '95 nears and the commission looks at Hampton Roads, can the economy of this area afford to have anyone but Congressman Sisisky lead the area? I remember who, in BRAC '93, stood in front of the commissioners and insisted that the port of Hampton Roads be viewed for its strategic military value. I cannot see anyone other than Congressman Sisisky as the spokesman for this area in 1995 and beyond.


Portsmouth, Oct. 26, 1994 by CNB