The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, November 6, 1994               TAG: 9411040253
TYPE: Close Up 
DATELINE: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY                 LENGTH: Medium:   68 lines


AFTER TUESDAY, life will take on a slower pace for Leona Williams Davis, Southampton's new voter registrar.

The phones will quiet down. Even the flow of people coming into the registrar's office will taper off.

This week, however, Davis is working at high speed, trying to get all the county's political ducks in a row for Southampton County voters.

Davis is the person who greases the wheels for the 8,000 prospective voters making their marks in booths in the county's 13 precincts Tuesday.

And so far, even though it's Davis' first official election as registrar, all the wheels seem to be spinning together, she said.

``All the decisions are mine. But so far, everything is running smooth. We've had a very large number of absentee ballots this year - about 150 requests compared to the norm of 50 requests per election.''

Davis is expecting a 70 percent voter turnout for Tuesday's election.

``That's just a guess. You can't really know until the night of election, when the returns come back.

``It's very exciting because you never know who's going to win - until the returns come in.''

This year, Davis will have 60 workers helping voters at the polls in Southampton County.

Davis replaced June Barksdale, who died Sept. 19. Barksdale had served as county registrar for 18 years. Davis was serving as the assistant registrar before her new appointment.

Name: Leona Williams Davis

What brought you to Southampton County? Born and raised here.

Hometown: Capron

Birthdate: June 7, 1934

Occupation: Voter registrar for Southampton County.

Marital status: Married to Lewis Homes Davis for 37 years.

Children: Lew and Ben

Favorite movies: ``Grumpy Old Men''

Favorite magazine: Southern Living

A book you wish everyone would read: One of your choosing. The Bible, however, should be top priority. My favorite short book is ``Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.''

Favorite night out on the town: Dining out with my husband.

Favorite bar or restaurant: Red Lobster.

Favorite food and drink: Always chocolate.

Few people know . . . If I told, then everyone would know.

What's the best thing about yourself? I'm a people person.

Worst habit: Procrastination.

First thing in the morning: Orange juice.

Hobbies: Sewing, reading and music.

Ideal vacation: To the mountains. It's always cooler, and they're beautiful in the spring and fall.

Pet peeve: Tail-gaters on the highway.

First job: Farm credit office in Courtland.

Worst job: None

Of what achievements are you most proud? Our two sons and, of course, our new grandson.

What would you like on your epitaph? I wouldn't know. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MICHAEL KESTNER

Leona W. Davis

by CNB