The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, November 6, 1994               TAG: 9411040305
TYPE: Close Up 
SOURCE: Janelle La Bouve 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   86 lines


Tanya Krom drove the 300 miles from Seattle to Spokane, Wash., in 1979 to visit with her niece, a Coast Guard recruit. That was when she made a snap decision to pursue a military career.

A week later Krom was in boot camp.

Her career with the Coast Guard has brought her to many duty stations, including one on a deserted island.

Krom and 19 other Coast Guard personnel spent a year on a long-range aids to navigation station about 50 miles from Midway Island, 1,300 miles northwest of Honolulu, Hawaii. The island is 1 1/2 miles long and a half-mile wide, she said.

``We had no TV, only taped sitcoms and some movie reels,'' she said. ``Every two weeks a plane arrived with food, mail and supplies. It was two weeks before we saw another outsider.

``I got real close to the people there, because we spent 24 hours a day together,'' she said. ``During that time, I learned a lot about myself and what I could handle. I think I became a stronger person.''

At another LORAN station located at Tok, Alaska, she fought a tundra fire.

``They flew 45 of us from Kodiak to Tok,'' she said. ``We spent three days cutting down trees and digging trenches. It was real hot because we were so close to the fire. It was hard work.''

A chipped tooth still reminds her of that three-day adventure.

``We were removing downed trees,'' she said. ``Communication channels got crossed, and I got hit on the head by the tip of a fallen tree.''

More than a year ago, Krom decided that she'd like to be a Coast Guard recruiter.

``I was serving on the Coast Guard Women's Advisory Council,'' said Krom, a chief petty officer. ``We tried to determine what about the Coast Guard attracts women. After dealing with that issue, I thought maybe I could recruit women.

``The military is not for everybody, but for some it's a good way of life,'' she said. ``It's a whole different world when you're active duty.''

All Coast Guard job ratings and specialties are open to women, and there are no duty assignment restrictions, she said.

``The way the Coast Guard's advancement system works, if you do a good job and apply yourself, you are advanced based on performance and knowledge. We are looking for more women . . .''

Full name: Tanya Krom

Birthdate: Jan. 24, 1957

Grew up: Seattle, Wash.

Childhood memories: ``Christmas was always a wonderful time at our house. Usually, most of my six sisters and their families would be there to spend the holiday. Just getting a family that big together in one place is a unique experience. Anytime that happened it was great.''

Spouse: Randy

Children: Rachel, 8; Rex, 6

Occupation: ``Active duty Coast Guard, currently on recruiter duty.''

Hobbies: ``I used to do a lot of crafts, but I haven't done much in the last couple of years. With a full-time job, a family and a home to take care of, there isn't much time left over.''

Last book read: ``Without Remorse'' by Tom Clancy

Favorite song: ``Crazy''

Favorite movie: ``I don't really have a favorite movie. I watch them all. I have to admit that I never miss the old Christmas movies like `Miracle on 34th Street' and `It's a Wonderful Life.' ''

Can't resist: ``Chocolate ice cream''

Pets: Dog, cat, love birds, saltwater fish and hamsters

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? ``Lots of things. But mostly I think I would like to be more organized.''

Greatest accomplishment: ``Besides my kids, it would have to be my Coast Guard career. I have done a lot of things I would have never had the opportunity to do had I chosen another career.''

Favorite Chesapeake restaurant: Olive Garden

Biggest problem facing Chesapeake: ``We've been in the area a little over a year, so I don't know enough yet to say. But I think Chesapeake is a great place to live. Of all the places I've lived, this has been the best by far. I have wonderful neighbors and the schools are great.''

Favorite day off: ``Spending time with friends and family.'' ILLUSTRATION: Photo by MARK MITCHELL

``The military is not for everybody, but for some it's a good way of

life,'' says Coast Guard recruiter Tanya Krom.

by CNB