The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, November 10, 1994            TAG: 9411080116
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   87 lines


Norfolk Academy topped the All-TCIS field hockey first team list with three selections.

Erin Broome was the top vote-getter and was joined by teammates Robyn Gunn and Mason White.

Betsy Bagnell and Heather Rountree of Nansemond-Suffolk also made the first team with Norfolk Collegiate's Katie Kiefner and Stefanie Sturtevant; Walsingham's Brooke Moore and Flora Adams; Cape Henry's Suzy Johnson and Catholic's Sam Newton.

Broome, who was also named the defensive MVP of the TCIS tournament, averaged 25 tackles per game during the regular season.

``Erin puts as much effort into the sport as anyone I have ever seen,'' Bulldogs' coach Lynn Ridinger said. ``She gives 110 percent in practice and in games.

``She is great at making things happen and she leads by example. I tell everyone they should move like Erin Broome.''

Ridinger has nominated the senior for high school All-American honors.

For midfielder Gunn, staying healthy was her biggest headache. On Oct. 17 Gunn injured her knee and watched the rest of her senior season from the bench.

``It has been very painful for her to watch,'' Ridinger said. ``She played some incredible hockey. She can control so much of the midfield. She probably has the best stickwork on the team and she has great eye-hand coordination.''

White was the lone freshman selected to the team.

``I wish I had a picture of the surprise on her face when she found out she made the team,'' Ridinger said. ``She is our right wing and she does the job up and down the field.''

White scored seven goals and added six assists, and Ridinger said she has consistently gotten better each game.

Bagnell scored 11 of Nansemond-Suffolk's 21 goals this season.

The junior was influenced by her older sister and began playing field hockey in the seventh grade.

``She is a naturally talented athlete,'' coach Susan Wenzel said. ``When she gets going and decides she is going to score there is no stopping her.''

Rountree also began the game in the seventh grade, but lacked the natural talent to become the goal-scorer that Bagnell is. But Wenzel said her dedication more than compensates.

``She works very hard and goes to camp during the summer,'' Wenzel said. ``She is very capable and dedicated to the game.

``She is the type of player who loves the game so much that she wants everyone else to love it that much and she goes out of her way to help new players.''

Wenzel said Rountree was very quick to give up the score if it looked like Bagnell had a better shot. Rountree led the team in assists with four and tallied six goals.

Kiefner, a junior who didn't start playing until two years ago, paced Norfolk Collegiate with 25 points this season - 10 goals and five assists.

``Katie never seems to get tired out there,'' coach Kathy Miller said. ``She is very fast and has very good stickwork.''

Sturtevant, a senior who transferred to Collegiate from Catholic her sophomore year, returned to full strength this season after a knee injury last season.

Sturtevant took most of the corners for Collegiate and played the roll as the main support for the forward line.

Walsingham's Moore, a junior, was second in the TCIS in scoring with 12 goals.

``She has good game sense," coach Kristen Kirkman said. ``She is very aggressive and is always aware of everything that is going on in the game.''

Moore was joined by fellow forward Adams, a senior.

``Flora is an endurance runner,'' Kirkman said. ``So she could play the whole game and do a great job.''

Newton, as sophomore, led the Crusaders with seven goals and two assists.

``She is still very young,'' coach Donna Trainer said. ``But she has great ball-handling skills and a great drive.''

Johnson was the captain of Cape Henry's team this season, a role she didn't take lightly, coach Susan Edwards said.

``She won the respect of her teammates with her leadership and her commitment to hockey,'' Edwards said. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by RICHARD L. DUNSTON

TCIS all-conference field hockey team, from left, front row: Mason

White, Erin Broome, both of Norfolk Academy; Stefanie Sturtevant,

Katie Kiefner, both of Norfolk Collegiate; Suzy Johnson, of Cape

Henry Collegiate; back row: Heather Rountree and Elizabeth Bagnell,

both of Nasemond-Suffolk Academy.

by CNB