The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, November 11, 1994              TAG: 9411100190
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  170 lines


Beacon readers who responded to a survey last Sunday overwhelmingly approve of using taxpayer dollars to help build an amphitheater in Virginia Beach.

About 850 callers participated in the unscientific survey, with 745 voting yes and 99 voting no to the single question: ``Do you think taxpayer dollars should be used to help build an amphitheater in Virginia Beach?''

Those who support the idea say the amphitheater will pay larger economic dividends down the road and help strengthen the city's tourist base.

``It's past time we start doing things like this in Virginia Beach to keep people in here year-round,'' said Perry Camp. ``The City Council needs to get away from this vegetable stand mentality and get something in here. They need to tear down the Farmer's Market and put something better there. They need to go to Myrtle Beach and see how they do it.''

Others say it's a long overdue cultural and entertainment need for the entire region, not just Virginia Beach.

Lynn Nelson of Virginia Beach recently attended a concert at the amphitheater in Raleigh. ``It was fabulous,'' she said. ``I don't want to lose out. Let's not keep waiting and do it now before it costs taxpayers more money.''

Not everyone agrees, however, that it's a wise use of public funds.

``I don't want my taxes spent on something that will only be used a couple months of the year,'' said P.J. McGarey. ``Most of Virginia Beach Oceanfront is dead for seven months of the year. No taxes. We have enough now that we're spending our taxes on.''

Bill Barnes believes if it's such a good idea then it won't require tax dollars. ``Virginia Beach doesn't even provide parking, yet they want and go spend more money,'' he said. ``If it's good, private enterprise will pick it up.''

The City Council is still grappling with the issues of finding both a suitable site and financing for the project. Before it's ever built, though, it will require a formal hearing in which the public will once again have a chance to be heard.

For now, though, here are selected comments from some of those who responded to the Beacon's survey:

Tina McLaughlin: ``No, I'm not for the amphitheater. I think if we want to raise money we should have off-shore gambling.''

James Maloney: ``I moved here from Raleigh and it was the best thing that ever happened to that city. Many reasons why. I have seen what can happen with amphitheaters.''

Marvin Mollins: ``I strongly encourage the building of the amphitheater. I think any type of expansions in this area will benefit the homeowners. It would help businesses, tourists, plus entertainment.''

Sheila Russell: ``I think it will be very beneficial to this area. Anything that brings in revenue is great for our area.''

Christine Veroom: ``It would be a disgrace to miss out on this golden opportunity to enhance our image. It's time we have at least one feather in our cap to compete with the growing headdress of Norfolk.''

Cindy Oliver: ``I think it's a great idea.''

Roger Dillinger: ``I think we should spend the money on cleaning up the city and taking care of the dirty areas, crime areas, before we build an amphitheater.''

John Coller: ``We had amphitheaters where we're from (Washington) and they were excellent. They are a lot of fun, they sound good, the whole family can go. We don't have anything like that down here and I think it will help a lot in relation to entertainment.''

Charles Fidler: ``I have attended other amphitheaters. It's a great opportunity for Virginia Beach. I'm tired of traveling to other areas to enjoy this type of entertainment.''

Clay Ranson: ``I think we should spend our money on an arena and get sports in here, not entertainment.''

Gary Lasoda: ``Build it and they will come.''

George A. Henderson: ``I think City Council should vote this measure immediately. Let's get cooking.''

Susan Wyatt: ``I think an amphitheater would be a fabulous thing for Virginia Beach. If we don't, someone else will build it and take it away from us, like the race track.''

Teresa Folkler: ``I'd like to see water, not an amphitheater.''

John Driver: ``I think we should build the amphitheater. It's imperative for Virginia Beach. For clean fun and entertainment.''

Judy Johnston: ``I'm very much for the amphitheater. It will bring quality entertainment to the area, attract tourists and it's all-around good for the beach. If we want a good tourist base, we have to provide them with something to do.''

Kristen Bishop: ``I think it should be somewhere that would be easy access, not Princess Anne.''

Randy Bristow: ``I think it would bring in good money for the city itself and I think it's a good idea.''

Gregory Dowdes: ``I think it would be an excellent idea. It would bring in a lot of funds for the city and open up the area for residents. A nice attaction.''

Terry Gaskins: ``Yes, if the proposed site is Princess Anne Commons, we could have those prisoners sitting in city jail provide the construction and help with costs.''

Catherine Kinds: ``Yes, definitely spend taxpayers' dollars on an amphitheater. I'm a theater major and we're on the right track. It would bring so much more culture to Hampton Roads. We need to bring culture and the arts.''

Virginia Hope Medlin: ``I believe the theater would help give entertainment to the young adults in the military community and help get them off the streets.''

John McMillan: ``I believe we should have something like an amphitheater, but I think they should do it with bonds and not taxpayers' money.''

Jody Cox: ``I believe an amphitheater in Virginia Beach will add a lot of tax revenue and jobs and be a great place to see a show.''

Edward Sykes: ``I think it should be on the north side of the city where all the recreation is and not on the south side where roads and other facilities cannot hold the activity, especially parking.''

David Gilbert: ``I think it's a wonderful idea and excellent use of the city's funds. I think it would be a big boost for the family theme and places to go. Such a healthy place to go to for entertainment, especially juxtaposed against riverboat gambling.''

Richie Bonner: ``I think it would be a big plus. The city counts heavily on tourism. Tourism and the entertainment industry go hand in hand. It would be a wonderful opportunity for people that spend their vacation dollars in Virginia Beach. We would probably be able to hold concerts nine months out of the year.''

Andrew Vehorn: ``I think it would be a good deal for Hampton Roads because it would bring big name entertainment. It would pay for itself in the first couple of years.''

Karen Milman: ``I think an amphitheater would be great. I travel several times a year to Wolf Trap to hear good acts and I think it would be great to have one here.''

Mark Kelso: ``I think it would be great so we don't have to go everywhere for concerts.''

Marilyn Dietrick: ``I think anything that will stimulate the cultural growth of Virginia Beach is very important. I am in real estate and work with people in the higher price ranges and I find I need to feed them with important cultural things we have in the community. It would be an asset. It would bring a family-oriented group of people to this community for their summer recreation.''

Bill Hankle: ``Without a doubt, build it. If you do build it, do not skimp. It needs to be elaborate, as nice as the Raleigh amphitheater. Go ahead and spend all the money or don't do it at all.''

Barbara Yates: ``I want to live in a vibrant city with lots of activities and I think this would do it and I'd be willing to use our tax money and it would give this city a sense of community which this city desperately needs.''

Elizabeth Stevenson: ``I think it would be a great idea.''

Chuck Traub: ``Definitely not, the city should not be in the entertainment business especially a venture such as this speculative one. This is not the way to spend taxpayers' money.''

Andy Bukowski: ``I think it's way overdue, right here in Virginia Beach. Why drive all the way to Hampton? Keep those dollars here.''

Donna Salaski: ``The city would be crazy not to build the amphitheater here. We need everything we can get to build tourism back up again and make this city what it should be.''

Molly Glumm: ``I believe it will bring us jobs and tourists' dollars into our area.''

Lynn Williams: ``It should be built. I think it would be a big boost.''

Robert Wayne: ``I believe the city should invest in something that will allow it more return for the money. I think we should invest in anything that will make more money for the city.''

Kenneth Ish: ``I think it would be very good to build an amphitheater. I used to have one in St. Louis and it brought in big bands. I think it will cost initially, but it will be good in the long run.''

Jeannette Burkstow: ``It's inconvenient to drive all the way to Richmond for a good concert. I think it would be beneficial for all. I'd rather have my taxes go there.''

Jim Napearle: ``Please, Virginia Beach, don't tax us anymore. I'm a senior citizen on a fixed income pushing 80 years old and I'm handicapped. Please don't burden us with more taxes. I'm barely making it as it is. I want to stay in my home the rest of my years, but the way it's going I'll have to sell my home.'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MORT FRYMAN

This 112-acre site near the Virginia Beach courthouse complex is

proposed for the 20,000-seat amphitheater.

by CNB