The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, November 11, 1994              TAG: 9411110004
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A22  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   33 lines


I'm elated that nationally, Christian conservatives have taken back the Hill and many governors' seats, as was expected. I'm disheartened that this did not occur in ``conservative'' Hampton Roads. We had biblically principled candidates to choose from, yet we have returned the ``socialist pork gatherers'' to Washington!

Regarding our Senate race, it's simply the 1992 presidential scenario again. Coleman, like Perot, took swing votes from the Republicans. If it had been a two-way race, North, like Bush, would be in.

The other factor is that some Christians, who believe that government exists to subsidize them, voted for Robb despite his open anti-biblical stances, because he best perpetuates socialist programs.

What's with ``brother in the Lord'' (ex-Marine) Coleman? He was backed by John Warner in order to stop Ollie North, one of the key leaders in the conservative movement. The Robb/Wilder feud is well-known, yet they worked together; not so with turncoats like Warner, Guiliani, Riordan.

Rush is right - the separation of sheep and goats is widening in the party. I hope that Republican turncoats will be purged for good in the next round of elections.


Virginia Beach, Nov. 9, 1994 by CNB