The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, November 13, 1994              TAG: 9411110017
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   37 lines


Our governor is considering the elimination of state automobile inspections here in Virginia. I would urge him to look elsewhere in his efforts to streamline the state government.

I'm sure that most taxpayers would consider the elimination of the state inspection welcome. But the consequences would be far-reaching.

State inspections evolved as a result of the introduction of self-service by the major oil companies. As self-serve became more popular, it became apparent that many drivers were just filling their cars with gas and ignoring normal maintenance that their vehicles required. It was not unusual to find drivers who actually burned up their engines because they neglected to check their motor oil.

State inspection fills the void created by self-service. We are living at a faster-than-ever pace today. Working couples have little time for themselves and their families. Checking their cars for tires, brakes, lights and all other safety-related items is not exactly at the top of their priority list. Thus the need for mandatory safety inspections is apparent.

Recently, I was talking to an elderly lady who had just purchased a set of tires for her car. She told me that she depended on her late husband to take care of the car and she had ``no idea that the tires were smooth'' until she got her state inspection.

Gov. Allen should look elsewhere for cutbacks. State inspections are vital to safeguard all drivers in Virginia.


Chesapeake, Nov. 3, 1994 by CNB