The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, November 20, 1994              TAG: 9411180178
TYPE: Education 
DATELINE: SUFFOLK                            LENGTH: Medium:   58 lines


THE SUFFOLK EDUCATION Foundation has awarded its first round of teacher mini-grant awards.

The foundation earlier this month announced it had awarded five minigrants totaling $1,130 to help teachers exchange ideas, conduct workshops or design innovative programs.

The foundation received 18 proposals for consideration in its first minigrant program. The next deadline for submitting proposals is April 1.

The first projects funded by minigrants include:

Project K.I.D.S.: $250 to enable Kindergarteners Involved in Developing Self-Esteem to start at Booker T. Washington Elementary School. Designed to help at-risk kindergarteners develop self-confidence, self-discipline and teamwork skills, the weekly program includes reading and discussing a story on these topics and a physical activity stressing the importance of getting along with other people. Teachers Patricia Carey, Murdley Hicks, Patricia Montgomery and Melba Holland applied for the grant.

Marionette workshop: Thanks to Driver Elementary School teacher Shirley Simpkins, 12 art and music teachers will have the chance to learn how to make marionettes. In turn, these teachers use the art of string-puppetry to enhance their classroom instruction. Simpkins received a $180 grant.

Lakeland's Garden: $310 to help strengthen the planning and teamwork skill of Lakeland High School's Education for Employment students. Under the guidance of grant recipient Alease Cooper, students will work together planting, cultivating and harvesting their own garden over the next year.

Reading on the Road: $200 to enable Booker T. Washington Elementary students with above-average reading skills to share their love of books. Using books bought with the grant, the students will read to preschoolers at neighborhood day-care centers and to adults working at local businesses. Teachers Kris Dillon, Sharon Eley, Brenda Snashall and Cheryl Smith submitted the grant proposal.

Thematic Unit ``On Air'': $200 will send second- and third-grade classrooms at Elephant's Fork Elementary School into the sky. After a series of in-class experiments and research papers, students will conclude their hands-on study of the scientific properties of air with a hot-air balloon ride. The grant was awarded to teachers Mendie Williams and Jacquelyn Lawrence. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MICHAEL KESTNER

Audrey Beck, a teacher at Elephant's Fork Elementary School, has

received a $1,374 grant from Union Camp Corp. to develop a pilot

curriculum, ``Hands-on Geography: Exploring Suffolk.'' by CNB