The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, November 23, 1994           TAG: 9411190193
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   68 lines


Each week the assembled masses huddle into the great sanctuary at Church of the Holy Family on Great Neck Road to hear Father Richard Mooney preach the Gospel.

Like many parish priests, Mooney works hard to make the ancient stories relevant to modern life, sometimes spending up to 10 hours writing a 10 minute sermon.

``Trying to write short takes a lot more energy than writing long,'' said the 42-year-old priest ``Anyone can talk for a long time. There are good weeks and bad weeks, some when it all comes naturally and others when you feel like you want to rip out your fingernails.''

One of five brothers, Mooney now has four sisters-in-law and 11 nieces and nephews.

``I'm honored when people pay attention to what I'm doing. I try to keep in mind that I'm trying to serve something bigger than myself, to get people excited about Jesus. Of course, I don't think they would be in church if they weren't already excited to some point.''

Full name: Richard Timothy Mooney.

Hometown: Born in Boston, Mass., but we moved around a lot.

What brought you to the Beach? Assigned here by my bishop in 1991, but I had lived and worked here from 1979 until 1982.

Birthdate: Oct. 12, 1952.

Occupation: Catholic priest and pastor at Church of the Holy Family.

Nicknames: My mother hated nicknames.

What is your idea of a perfect day off? Play with clay, browse some bookstores, dinner with friends.

Last smart thing you did? Finally took up pottery with a passion and found an excellent teacher - Mrs. Betty Knight. ``If it's round and brown, I make it. But it's a slow process.''

Last dumb thing you did? Tried to lift a heavy object by myself and messed up my back.

Favorite meal: Lately, I've developed a taste for sushi.

Favorite movies: ``Close Encounters of the Third Kind'' and ``Night at the Opera,'' by the Marx brothers.

Favorite song: Anything by The Bobs, Betty, Toby Twining or Bobby McFerrin.

Last book read: ``She Walks These Hills''by Sharyn McCrumb.

Hobbies: Ceramics, reading.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Be a bit more disciplined about my eating habits and my weight.

Secret vice: Late 20th century composers (John Cage, John Adams). Also, 1950s musical comedies.

Favorite restaurant: Beckett's, Aldo's, Tokyo Inn.

Favorite TV Shows: ``Mystery Science Theater 3000.''

Favorite Sport: Virginia Tech football.

Last Vacation: Visiting my family and friends in Washington, D.C., Massachusetts and Maine.

Pets: I'm an animal lover, but not an animal keeper.

Worst Job: Mattress mover in a furniture warehouse.

Of what achievements are you most proud? My pastoring over the last 15 years.

What would you like on your epitaph? ``Always better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission.'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MORT FRYMAN

by CNB