The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, November 24, 1994            TAG: 9411220183
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   84 lines


After working 16 years at Sentara Leigh Hospital in Norfolk, Ann Horchler was comfortable and happy in her work. But when Chesapeake General Hospital approached her about using her expertise to rebuild and expand its rehabilitation services, she couldn't pass up the opportunity.

``I came because of the challenge,'' said Horchler, the new director of rehabilitation services for Chesapeake General. ``I just have so many ideas.''

Horchler moved into her new office in September and has kept busy since getting acquainted with the new environment and hiring new staff members. Her immediate goals for the department are to increase the number of out-patients and to recruit and retain physical therapists.

Horchler had successes in both areas at Sentara Leigh. As the volume of in-patients and out-patients grew, her department was expanded from five members to 20. And there was little turnover among her staff.

``I see my job as to do anything to make the jobs of the physical therapists easier,'' said Horchler. ``I try not to solve problems that I know they can solve. I don't usually make a decision without the input of the entire department.''

Wendy Dohnken, a physical therapist who worked with Horchler for four years at Sentara Leigh, liked Horchler's management style so well that she followed her boss to Chesapeake General.

``Leigh was changing, and I felt it was time to move,'' said Dohnken, who, like Horchler, lives in Virginia Beach. ``Knowing Ann as I do, I knew I would be able to do more if I came with her.''

Both Horchler and Dohnken said that they are attracted by the willingness of the management of Chesapeake General Hospital to grow. They see great potential for the hospital's rehabilitation services to improve and expand.

Having decided to become a physical therapist when she was in the seventh grade, Horchler received her bachelor of science and certification in physical therapy from the University of Pennsylvania. She worked first as a physical therapist at Roanoke Memorial Hospital in Roanoke then as assistant director of physical therapy at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania before she went to work for Sentara Leigh.

At a farewell party given by her Sentara Leigh staff, Horchler received a framed certificate outlining her leadership characteristics. The document describes her as a tireless communicator and one who leads her staff by democracy and defends it against all adversity.

``As for getting respect from physicians and the community, Ann goes out of her way to get it for us,'' said Dohnken.

Back in 1992, Horchler's former staff submitted a poem to a radio station in Virginia Beach for a ``Best Boss'' contest. The poem described, in a humorous way, the affection that she inspired from her co-workers:

Our boss, she's prim and proper

And most competent and able.

But with too many margaritas

She's tap dancing on the table.

She tries to run a tight ship

And keep morale at its best.

But it's tough when your staff's women

And it's time for PMS.

She's always got a friendly smile

A laugh, a song, a joke.

It's a rare and special gift

When you can cheer the saddest folk.

... Our boss is special.

She's not perfect, we'll contend.

But she's more than our employer,

She's someone we can call our friend.

The reference in the poem to Horchler's appreciation for a good time is accurate. At Sentara Leigh, she and her staff held countless holiday and birthday parties. At home, she enjoys boating, surfing and fishing with her husband Harry and son Doug on Lake James.

And, yes, she can tap dance. For the past seven years, Horchler has performed at Chrysler Hall with Evelyn Ott School of Dance.

If she can find a nice home that borders a lake, Horchler said she hopes to move her family to Chesapeake. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by STEVE EARLEY

Ann Horchler has been director of rehabilitation services for

Chesapeake General Hospital since September.

by CNB