The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, November 24, 1994            TAG: 9411220254
SOURCE: Frank Roberts 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   47 lines


Fourth-graders might be a little young to think about the college or university they might attend, but they do know a little something about those institutions of higher learning.

I asked some youngsters from Nansemond Parkway Elementary School to explain. Most wisely equated colleges and universities with jobs. ILLUSTRATION: Photos

``It's a place where you go to get different jobs. You take

different classes for what you want to do. I'll study


Raycial Bynum, 9

``It's a school where you learn. They ask you what you want to


James Scott III, 9

``It's where people 17 to 20 years old go to - for how many years?

When you get out of your college, you go to your job - if you

passed. I want to go to Notre Dame or Harvard.''

Chris McCauley, 9

``It's a place where you go to learn about new jobs and practice new

jobs. I want to be a marine biologist.''

Danielle Morgan, 9

``You start studying for your career. You learn about some of the

important things about your career.''

Danielle Bracy, 10

``It's a big school for grown-ups or half-way adults or people older

than me. I know that.''

Lauren Huffman, 9

by CNB