The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, November 25, 1994              TAG: 9411250047
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B2   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   47 lines


A special thank you goes out to D-2 Wing TPU, Norfolk Naval Base, which donated $587, and to all the generous people who have contributed to the Joy Fund. Amount brought forward ... $35,931.50


Abernathy, Jane 40.00

Devine, Linda 25.00

Greyard, Kay 25.00

Griffin, Anna 10.00

In loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pickler, Sr. 50.00

In loving memory of Mom from Dick and Karen Ewing 50.00

In loving memory of my parents, Jacquline and Charles Mason, who passed away this year from Lori Hummel 50.00

In loving memory of David B. Finestone by Rose E. Finestone 100.00

In loving memory of Jimmy from Anna M. Tebault 20.00

In memory of our beloved son ``Bill'' from Paul and Irene Weaver 25.00

In memory of Mary W. Parrish from Alfred Parrish 100.00

In memory of my husband, James A. Osborne, from Evelyn F. Osborne 50.00

In memory of Patty Hornbake 25.00

Phillips, Robert C. 25.00

Wheeler, Marion A. 30.00

Wilkes, Margaret E. 10.00

Clubs and organizations

Kempsville Inquirers 20.00

Linkhorn Park Garden Club 25.00

Monday Mah Jongg Players 100.00


D-2 Wing TPU, Norfolk Naval Base 587.00 Total ... $37,298.50 by CNB