The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, December 2, 1994               TAG: 9412020582
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: RICHMOND                           LENGTH: Short :   45 lines


Norfolk Sheriff Robert J. McCabe has been elected to head the board charged with reforming the state's juvenile justice system.

McCabe was voted chairman of the State Board of Youth and Family Services at the board's first meeting on Thursday.

``We need to look at the juvenile justice system from the ground up,'' McCabe said. ``I am very much looking forward to my new position. There are a lot of people on this board with the same philosophy of holding juveniles accountable.''

McCabe, who operates what was once among the state's most troubled jails, also brings experience with the Norfolk Police Department's youth bureau to his new job.

``We need to get these kids' attention,'' McCabe said Thursday. ``There's no accountability, and unfortunately the kids know that.''

McCabe said he experienced the ``revolving door'' of repeat offenders while on the streets as a police officer.

``If we can identify those who can be rehabilitated, I don't think we can spend enough on it,'' he said. ``I don't want to see resources wasted on those who, no matter what you do, aren't going to change.''

John A. Wasowicz, an attorney with Kilcarr & Volzer in Arlington, will serve as vice chairman of the board, and Christina A. Frank, director of community corrections for Prince William County, will serve as secretary.

All of the board members but one are new. The former members quit in September in disagreement with Gov. George F. Allen's tough-on-crime philosophy.

As part of the process of revamping the juvenile justice system, the new board will review its mission statement at its January meeting.

The board also plans to upgrade standards, including those for boot camps, group homes and detention homes. ILLUSTRATION: Photo

``We need to get these kids' attention,'' says Norfolk Sheriff

Robert J. McCabe.

by CNB