The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, December 7, 1994            TAG: 9412060176
TYPE: Close-Up 
SOURCE: Jody R. Snider 
DATELINE: WINDSOR                            LENGTH: Medium:   66 lines


Polly Riddick works in what is generally still regarded as a man's world.

Riddick is the manager of Windsor Supply Inc., a hardware business that carries supplies for plumbing, electrical, farming and automotive work.

The company is owned by Thomas Keeling of Windsor.

She also oversees a feed mill that runs five days a week and grinds and mixes feed for cattle and hogs. In addition, Windsor Supply recently took on the job of making specialty feeds for horses, chickens, goats, sheep - any kind of animal that you could own, Riddick said.

Riddick, 50, began working for the company six years ago as a bookkeeper.

``My duties just broadened as time went along,'' she said. Today, I'm the backup when something needs to be done. And someone is needed to see that certain things do get done,'' she said.

When Riddick isn't in the mill or in her office, she likes to visit the fast track of NASCAR racing.

She and her husband, Emmitt, try to make the races several times each year, she said.

``We just like to see the cars speed around the track and watch the competition on the track.''

Name: Polly S. Riddick.

What brought you to Isle of Wight? My job at Windsor Supply Corp.

Hometown: Suffolk.

Birthdate: Aug. 14, 1944.

Occupation: Manager, Windsor Supply Corp.

Marital Status: Married to Emmitt for 30 years.

Children: Robin, 30 and Andrew, 24.

Favorite movie: ``The Sound of Music.''

Favorite magazines: Southern Living and The Winston Cup Scene.

A book you wish everyone would read, why? The Bible. It's the only book with outlines for ones entire life.

Favorite night out on the town: A nice dinner out with my husband and friends and The Ole Dominion Opry in Williamsburg.

Favorite bar or restaurant: Herb's BBQ and Outback Steakhouse.

Favorite food and drink: Herb's barbecue and steamed shrimp.

Few people know . . . that I am a race car enthusiast.

What's the best thing about yourself? I'm a good listener.

Worst habit: Being late.

First thing in the morning: Eat breakfast and listen to the morning news on television as I get ready for work.

Pets: Cat named Boo and a rottweiler named Bear.

Hobbies: Reading, NASCAR racing and bowling.

Ideal vacation: Williamsburg. It takes little time to drive to, I like the Colonial atmosphere, there's plenty to do and plenty of relaxation.

Pet peeve: People who pass you on the road and then slow up once they get in front of you.

First job: Roses in Suffolk.

Worst job: None. I consider them all a learning experience.

What achievements are you most proud of? Mother and friend to two special adults and 30 wonderful years of marriage.

What would you like on your epitaph? ``Devoted wife, mother and friend.'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

by CNB