The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, December 14, 1994           TAG: 9412140476
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A1   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   92 lines


The Navy is treating as a criminal assault allegation the case of a Navy recruit who said she was kicked and beaten by three enlisted instructors during basic training, the Atlantic Fleet said Tuesday in Norfolk.

Sources said the designation underscores the seriousness of the case. Though 2 years old, the allegations apparently got no response from the Navy until the woman complained last month of medical problems that Navy doctors said may be linked to the beating.

Privately, Navy officials said Tuesday that they are outraged by the case. But they stayed away from public comment, apparently determined to avoid the appearance of ``command influence'' - using rank to affect the outcome of an investigation.

``The system is working now,'' one Navy official said.

Allegations of command influence in 1993 contributed to the dismissal of charges against male aviators accused in the Tailhook scandal.

The woman's case was turned over to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service on Nov. 30 after she went to the Portsmouth Naval Medical Center complaining of an equilibrium disorder. She is now stationed at the hospital, where she is awaiting discharge for a medical disability. A Navy official familiar with the investigation has said the woman's injuries appear to support her story.

She said that during basic training in Florida in August 1992 she was ordered - in uniform and rain gear - into a shower, where she was kicked, and beaten with broom handles by three company commanders. The alleged beating occurred at the Orlando, Fla., Naval Training Center just as the Navy was starting to train men and women together there.

The woman said she was told she had ``to pay her dues before she could order men around,'' according to a Navy memo obtained by The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star.

The Navy has not identified the woman.

Under military law, assault can be punished by up to five years in prison if it results in grievous injury. Lesser violations carry lighter penalties.

News of the allegations raised concerns that the Navy still has some distance to go in fighting sexual harassment.

``I just find that absolutely appalling,'' said Barbara S. Pope, a former assistant Navy secretary.

``One, that it happened, and two, that the people didn't react properly,'' Pope said. ``There's just no excuse for what happened.''

Sue Ann Tempero, chairwoman of a special Defense Department advisory commission on women in the military, said sexual harassment is a high priority in all the services.

``I do think the services are really making a concerted effort to address the issue,'' Tempero said. ``From what we have seen . . . each of the services is really trying to take the issue seriously.''

Pope agreed that the Navy has made great strides fighting a problem she struggled to spotlight after Tailhook. Appointed assistant secretary in 1989, Pope emerged as a powerful force in the Navy's handling of the scandal - in part, because of her demands for swift action against senior officers who failed to stop misconduct at the 1991 aviators' convention in Las Vegas. Before stepping down in 1993, Pope helped form a committee that would tackle not only sexual harassment but also explore women's roles in combat. The Standing Committee on Women in the Navy set up a sexual harassment hot line, argued for stronger sanctions to combat the problem and worked to define harassment.

``The programs are in place, but the effectiveness of it depends on the leadership at each level,'' Pope said. ``I think with an organization that is that large, you're going to have people who periodically think they're beyond the rules and regulations.

``You've got to act consistently when it occurs and send a very strong message. It's got to be dealt with as a leadership issue.''

The allegations involving the recruit come as the Navy is seeking to wrap up a sexual harassment scandal at another of its training operations, the San Diego Naval Training Center. The service moved swiftly this fall to look into harassment allegations at the center, including reports that instructors demanded sex from women in exchange for passing grades.

Those charges were never substantiated, but three enlisted men are being referred to special courts-martial as a result of the investigation, a Navy spokesman said Tuesday. A fourth refused administrative punishment and also will go before a court-martial.

Four other enlisted men were found guilty of various offenses, including fraternization, adultery and assault, in nonjudicial hearings this month. They received penalties ranging from counseling to the loss of one-half month's pay during each of the next two months. One enlisted woman was acquitted of dereliction of duty, but given a warning about her conduct. ILLUSTRATION: Color photo

Barbara Pope, former assistant Navy secretary