The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, December 21, 1994           TAG: 9412210637
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C3   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: PORTSMOUTH                         LENGTH: Short :   44 lines


It's been eight years since Churchland pulled out a victory at its crosstown rival's home gym. But Tuesday night, the Truckers (4-0, 2-0) made up for past losses in a big way and routed Western Branch, 77-55, in a Southeastern District matchup.

``We were ready,'' Churchland guard Kizzy Butler said. ``I knew it was going to be a blowout.''

Nicole Council, who finished with a game-high 23 points, added,``We felt like we could beat them. We just wanted to come out and play hard.''

Western Branch's troubles started early when it made its first turnover three seconds into the game after taking possession on the opening tipoff.

The Bruins (2-2, 0-2) were never able to recover from their rocky start, committing 14 turnovers and shooting 29.3 percent from the field before halftime.

What Western Branch couldn't do offensively, Churchland did threefold.

The Truckers jumped to a 27-10 lead sparked by Michelle Jarman's 12 first-quarter points. The 6-foot center also grabbed 11 of her 16 rebounds before the end of the half.

Council chipped in 13 - including two treys - in the first two quarters.

And though Western Branch managed to contain Butler's outside game, holding the senior guard to six first-half points with a box-and-one defense, the Bruins couldn't stop her completely.

``I think it opened up the game for everybody else,'' Council said of the Bruins' Butler-centered attack.

But as the Truckers' lead increased, so did their transition game. Butler scored 12 points in the second half, nine coming from the fast break. She also racked up eight assists and made seven steals before Churchland coach Duke Conrad pulled the starters with 4:33 remaining.

``Talk about a team effort,'' Conrad said. ``We went deep in scoring and in who was handing out assists. Michelle dominated the boards in the first half and Kizzy and Nicole set it up all night. They were ready to play.'' by CNB