The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, December 30, 1994              TAG: 9412300074
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   77 lines


THE MALL IS a facet of modern life. People go to the mall to shop. People go to the mall to eat. People go there to hang out with friends.

But to learn?

Now they do.

Every school day, 25 Virginia Beach high school students are dismissed early and go to Pembroke Mall - but not to shop.

They go to class.

These are students in Virginia Beach Public Schools' ``Classroom on the Mall'' program. They take required courses in their home schools - no electives - and then go to Pembroke Mall. They earn a minimum of two credits for the class, but they earn three credits if they get a job in retail.

``The idea behind Classroom on the Mall is to teach students about retailing in a classroom setting that is also on-site,'' said Kim Creamer, marketing coordinator of COM. ``The students can then use the mall as a lab to reinforce their learning experience.''

COM is based on a similar program in Northern Virginia. This year, a COM program was also set up in Coliseum Mall in Hampton. COM is in its fourth year in Virginia Beach. Before this year, classes were held in Lynnhaven Mall.

Creamer said that the Pembroke location ``is ideal because it is in the central business district of Virginia Beach. This area is going to grow rapidly during the next few years, and we will get to be right in the middle of it.''

COM is divided into two classes. Retail Operations, the first-year course, focuses on basics such as window displays, store promotions, crime prevention and sales. Retail Management, the advanced course, explores business ownership and management, merchandising and mall management.

The program offers two options. Most students opt for co-op - they take the class, get a job working at least 10 hours a week and earn three credits. Those who do not get a job earn two credits. Only juniors or seniors are eligible to take the course, because students must provide their own transportation.

Students are not required to work at stores in Pembroke Mall; any retail store will do. However, Stein Mart, Virginia Beach Shoes, Chick-Fil-A, Afterthoughts, Everything's a Dollar, NEI Movies and Hofheimers employ COM students.

If a student is fired, their grade suffers. This policy does not apply if the student is laid off or if the store where he works closes.

Bryan Scott, a senior at Bayside High, said the program ```is more hands-on - not out of a book. It's very interesting. I have lots of fun in it because it's never boring.''

Loretta Marino, a senior at Bayside High, said, ``It's interesting to learn what goes on behind the scenes in the retail world.''

Pembroke Mall merchants have similar opinions.

``It's a fantastic idea,'' said Bob Owens, manager of the Pembroke Hofheimer's. ``It gets the kids out of class and into hands-on situations. It's a great experience.''

Fred A. Sievert, manager of the Pembroke Stein Mart, likes the two COM students who work in his store. ``They act very mature for their age,'' he said. ``They are very eager to learn, and real dedicated. I'm pleased with them.''

Aside from learning about the mall, COM students operate gift-wrapping stands during the holidays and do market research for mall businesses. In future months, they will shadow mall employees for three or four days. They will also sit in on actual job interviews and give their opinions about the interviewees.

With the skills they learn in Classroom on the Mall, Creamer's students may someday end up as business owners in Pembroke Mall. MEMO: Joe Marino is a senior at Bayside High School.

ILLUSTRATION: Color photo by Peter D. Sundberg, Staff

From left, Bryan Scott, Thereza Cambas and Loretta Marino wrap gifts

as part of their Pembroke Mall classwork.

by CNB