The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Tuesday, January 3, 1995               TAG: 9501030071
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A2   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: LITTLE ROCK, ARK.                  LENGTH: Short :   36 lines


Saying there is no place for violence in the abortion debate, President Clinton on Monday ordered federal prosecutors to mobilize task forces to make abortion clinics more secure.

On vacation in his home state, Clinton said U.S. attorneys would lead task forces with local officials to study clinic security in their jurisdictions. He also asked Attorney General Janet Reno to meet with law officials about additional steps.

``I recognize and respect the range of deeply felt beliefs Americans hold on abortion,'' Clinton said in a statement. ``A continued vigorous debate over abortion is proper. Violence against those who hold differing opinions is not.''

Last Friday, when two women were killed in shootings at two clinics in Brookline, Mass., Reno said the safety of workers and patients at abortion clinics cannot be guaranteed, despite a new federal law that allows U.S. marshals to provide protection at offices that receive threats. Clinton signed the tougher clinic-access law last year, after attacks and threats at clinics where abortions are performed.

As part of the response to those attacks, Reno appointed a task force in the Justice Department to determine whether the attacks are random or part of an organized and coordinated effort. MEMO: Related stories on pages A1, A2 and B1. by CNB