The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, January 8, 1995                TAG: 9501060192
TYPE: Close Up 
SOURCE: Jody R. Snider 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   75 lines


LAURIE O'NEAL KNOWS what it means to start from the bottom and work your way up.

O'Neal was recently promoted from product line manager to customer service manager of the Franklin mill of Union Camp Corp.'s Fine Paper Division. She started as a field representative with the paper manufacturer 15 years ago.

She was among those who hit the road to sell paper to merchants in Virginia and North Carolina.

Since then, she has held eight positions with Union Camp.

O'Neal runs a 65-person staff in the customer service department of the Fine Paper Division.

``We take all the orders for fine paper for mills in Franklin and Eastover, S.C. That amounts to about 3,500 tons a day,'' she says.

``We're also responsible for maintaining and controlling a sales plan, making sure the right customers get the right tonnage.''

O'Neal says her promotion has finally gotten her to the place she's always wanted to be.

``I always felt that customer service was the heart of the business.''

Name: Laurie O'Neal

What brought you to the area? I came to Isle of Wight as an English teacher at Windsor High School.

Hometown: Durham, N.C.

Birthdate: May 10, 1949

Occupation: Division Customer Service Manager of the Fine Paper Division of Union Camp Corp.

Marital status: Married

Children: None

Favorite movies: My favorite movies have realistic characters and a happy ending.

Favorite magazine: My favorite magazines change from time to time. Recently, I have enjoyed a subscription to National Geographic's Traveler.

A book you wish everyone would read: Southern writers such as William Faulkner are probably not for everyone, but almost everyone growing up in this part of the country could relate to their fiction.

Favorite night out on the town: Dancing of any kind with a group of friends. I'd rather dance than eat or sleep.

Favorite bar or restaurant: Ming Gate in Hampton. If you like Oriental food, you won't be disappointed.

Favorite food and drink: Chinese food.

Few people know . . . very much about my family because I didn't grow up in this area. They seem surprised when they learn that I come from a large family and lived in the country.

What's the best thing about yourself? My ability to communicate with people from all walks of life. I have a healthy respect of differences in others.

Worst habit: Impatience

Pets: Two Cairn terriers and Tweep, a cockateel, allow us to share their house. I'd like to add a llama to the menagerie some day.

Hobbies: Dancing, traveling and flower gardening.

Ideal vacation: Time for both sightseeing and pure relaxation.

Pet peeve: People who call the house to conduct a survey during the dinner hour.

First job: I worked in a day care center every summer during high school.

Worst job: I have respect for all housewives. The worst job for me is housework. I'd much rather work in the yard.

Of what achievements are you most proud? I am proud of my achievements at Union Camp and pleased to have assisted others in their achievements there as well.

What would you like on your epitaph? I hope to have little time to think about that question. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MICHAEL KESTNER

by CNB