The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, January 22, 1995               TAG: 9501220341
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C11  EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   83 lines


If the true measure of a man's character is how he treats man's best friend, then Hampton Roads Admirals coach John Brophy isn't as mean and nasty as he puts on.

Three years ago, Brophy's girlfriend bought him a puppy, a black Labrador retriever that has lived a life of luxury ever since.

Novie - named after Nova Scotia, Brophy's home province - eats well, lounges on the living room couch and is walked each day on the beach, where she loves to wade in the surf. Novie even has her teeth brushed each night by Brophy.

``She loves the taste of toothpaste,'' Brophy said with a laugh. ``If we leave a toothbrush lying around, she'll bring it to us.''

Like the infamous pooch once owned by Jim and Tammy Bakker, Novie has an air-conditioned dog house - and this one is 40 feet long and portable.

Brophy often caddies for his girlfriend, LPGA golfer Nancy White. Before Novie came along, they traveled the traditional way - staying in hotels, eating in restaurants and living out of suitcases. But a big, energetic dog and hotels don't mix. So last winter, Brophy and White had a 40-foot trailer designed and built especially for them and Novie.

It has a washer, dryer, microwave, fully equipped kitchen, phone, satellite dish - and a very large dog bed.

``Getting this dog was the best thing ever for him,'' White said. ``He was able to love something like you couldn't believe. He just adores the dog. There's an incredibly strong love they have, those two. They're inseparable.''

Novie is a frequent visitor to the Admirals' office at Scope. There she greets visitors, who sometimes are a bit wary of a large dog with freshly brushed teeth.

``She's not a one-person dog,'' Brophy said. ``She'll jump in any car on the highway and go. Sometimes she scares the hell out of people when she runs up to them, but she wouldn't hurt a fly.''

Novie often precedes the Admirals onto the ice for practice. Her favorite player is Rod Taylor, who often lingers after practice to shoot pucks down the ice for Novie to fetch.

Technically, Novie isn't supposed to be at Scope, which has a rule against dogs being on the premises.

``Every so often I get a reminder from Scope about dogs not being allowed,'' said Blake Cullen, the Admirals' president. ``I just leave them on John's desk for him to throw away. Novie is part of the family.''

White gave Novie to Brophy on Christmas Eve 1991.

``John was very shocked,'' she said. ``He said, `What is that? What am I going to do with that?' At first I thought I'd made a mistake.''

The dog urinated in a dozen places around the house the first day, then cried all night.

The next day, Brophy took Novie on the beach, threw her into the water, and taught her to play fetch.

``From that day on, everything revolved around her,'' White said.

Life with Brophy and Novie on the road is a blast, says White - except when Brophy drives.

``Have you ever driven with John?'' she said. ``He's very aggressive, very fast and very reckless. He's scary behind the wheel. He drives competitively. I think he thinks it's his job to beat all of the other drivers to the next exit.''

He's also competitive on the golf course.

``He's a very good caddie,'' she said. ``When he's not with me, I wish he was. He goes to all of my lessons, he knows my golf swing. . . . And it's just nice to turn around and see him there. You know, we're separated so much during the year.''

As they have been now for three weeks. White is in Florida, gearing up for the LPGA season. The first place Brophy went after a recent game was to his office, where he dialed Nancy's number.

``We won,'' he said. ``We played well and had a good crowd.''

Then with a look of concern, he added: ``How's Novie?'' ILLUSTRATION: Photo


Novie, 3-year-old black Labrador retriever, shares the sofa and just

about everything else with John Brophy, who brushes her teeth each
