THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Saturday, January 28, 1995 TAG: 9501280309 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: D2 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Digest LENGTH: Short : 22 lines
The Smithfield Companies Inc., the Portsmouth-based parent of specialty-foods producers, reported record net income of $733,290 for the three months ended Dec. 31. Its net income for the recent quarter grew by 22 percent over the comparable period in 1993. Earnings per share also reached a record 50 cents, compared to 40 cents per share for the year-earlier period. Net sales for the October-through-December quarter were $14 million, compared with $14.2 million in 1993. Company President and CEO Richard S. Fuller attributed the earnings increase to better margins due to lower meat prices. (Staff) by CNB