The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Monday, January 30, 1995               TAG: 9501260022
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A8   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   36 lines


Patrick Buchanan (``Right-to-lifers shouldn't be cowed,'' Perspectives, Jan. 12) is right on target when he suggests that The New York Times may very well be ``guilty of complicity in a contemptible slander'' by publishing a full-page ad by Planned Parenthood filled with distortions and untruths.

The ad, which used the tragic violence at the Massachusetts abortion clinics to solicit contributions, targeted religious broadcaster Pat Robertson and distorted his beliefs and comments concerning the violence around abortion clinics.

Mr. Buchanan is correct when he states that nothing Pat Robertson ever said justifies the charge that he (along with two Catholic prelates also mentioned in the ad) ``incited or condoned acts of murder.''

In fact, Mr. Robertson forcefully denounced the Massachusetts killings on his nationally televised show, ``The 700 Club,'' by telling his audience that ``one or two fanatics do not speak for the pro-life movement.'' In addition, Mr. Robertson said: ``There are millions of Americans who deplore senseless slaughter of unborn children. But they do not and I do not believe the answer is to go and murder abortionists. The taking of life is hardly pro-life. And we condemn that action.''

The Planned Parenthood ad was nothing more than a shameful ploy to distort the truth to raise funds.


Vice president, public relations

The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. Virginia Beach, Jan. 18, 1995 by CNB