The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, February 1, 1995            TAG: 9502010007
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   41 lines


After reading Guy Friddell's column of Jan. 16, I have come to the conclusion that he has hit the nail on the head where the Virginia Republican Party is concerned: The big problem seems to be Patrick McSweeney.

Mr. McSweeney seems to have forgotten that Sen. John Warner, while nominated by the VRP, was elected by all of the people of Virginia, not by the VRP and Mr. McSweeney alone. With Democrats outnumbering Republicans in the state, McSweeney had better stop and think about 1996 and stop worshiping at the Oliver North alter.

Senator Warner is one of the most able and efficient public officials that we have ever sent to the Congress of the United States. Mr. Warner has represented all of us, not just a few. He is a man who thinks and acts in the best interest of our state and country. His support of Marshall Coleman in the November election shows that he is not thinking only of himself but the entire commonwealth of Virginia.

The men/women we elect to represent us must be of the best quality we can find. Mr. Warner proved he had thought about who to give his support to, not just any nominee the ``party'' puts before us.

Mr. McSweeney had better stop his petty squabbling and remember some of the history of the VRP and past elections in our state. Members of the Democratic Party are licking their chops and will do all they can to recapture Senator Warner's seat, and Mr. McSweeney only will help them in this effort if he continues his present course of action.

For the record, I am an independent voter and not party affiliated. The mention of the word ``party'' reminds me of communist Russia where representatives were appointed, not elected.


Norfolk, Jan. 17, 1995 by CNB