The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, February 9, 1995             TAG: 9502070087
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   46 lines


The governor's amendment to reduce funding in the offices of the commissioner of revenue and treasurer is nothing sort of breech of contract.

True, as the governor, he has the authority, but this man, who often refers to himself as a moral man, is violating a moral trust.

He has introduced a number of amendments to the 1994 Bi-annum Budget, which excludes funding for these offices as well as many other worthwhile programs. Based on the original funding, this office and other organizations proceeded with their staffing and planning. Suddenly without even the courtesy of discussion with any of those affected, he introduced his amendments and then had the audacity to tell the General Assembly that any of them opposing his program would be defeated in the next election.

Fortunately, I am not a legislator. Had I been, I would have been offended to the point of reminding him that he was elected ``governor,'' not ``king.''

Using his ``shotgun'' approach, George Allen has broken faith with the constitutional officers, educators, state government, health, welfare and local government. All have been severely wounded by the actions of this governor, who has a staff of ``bright-eyed,'' ``over-educated,'' ``under-experienced kids'' who are ``fresh out of nowhere'' politically. It was reported by the press that the governor has increased his staff from about 40 to something around 80. No governor needs a staff of that size to run his office. In the 25 years that I have been in office, no governor has ever had such a staff.

I suppose I could overlook some of the governor's excesses if I wasn't aware of his future political agenda - an agenda that includes the No. 2 spot on the national ticket.

Let me close by leaving readers with a thought that is certain to bring on a bad case of heartburn:

President of the United States, Newt Gingrich

Vice president of the United States, George Allen

``The Smiling Bobbsey Twins.''

Sam T. Barfield

Norfolk commissioner of revenue by CNB