The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, February 12, 1995              TAG: 9502100087
SECTION: HOME                     PAGE: G2   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   46 lines


MORE THAN 250 of the state's homes, gardens and landmarks will be open on 36 tours across Virginia during Historic Garden Week, April 22 to 29.

The Norfolk tour on April 27 features houses in the North Shore and Cloncurry Road areas and is sponsored by The Garden Club of Norfolk and The Harborfront Garden Club.

The tour features outstanding private art collections, an array of Madame Alexander dolls and a temperature-controlled wine room designed to hold 2,500 bottles. Tickets are $12 and information is available by calling 423-4475 or 623-0749.

The Princess Anne Garden Club's tour in Virginia Beach on April 23 includes a luncheon cruise on Linkhorn Bay and visits to several homes. The Virginia Beach Garden Club offers tours of five resort-area homes and a garden on April 25.

In Portsmouth on April 22, The Elizabeth River Garden Club is sponsoring a walking tour in Olde Towne, with the theme ``Stained Glass.''

The Nansemond River Garden Club tour in Suffolk on April 24 includes several homes and gardens located off of Pitchkettle Road.

According to the Garden Club of Virginia, other area tours are scheduled as follows: Eastern Shore, April 29; Newport New, April 26; and Williamsburg, April 25. The historic James River plantations will have special Garden Week openings at various times throughout the week.

A free brochure listing dates and locations is available from: Historic Garden Week in Virginia, 12 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. 23219. A guidebook providing detailed information about the houses, gardens and historic landmarks and times, locations and costs for the tours will be available in March at the same address for $3, to cover postage and handling.

More detailed information also will be printed in the Home & Garden section in April. ILLUSTRATION: Photo

The early 19th-century Chatham house overlooking Church Creek will

be open April 29 as part of Historic Garden Week on the Eastern


by CNB