The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, February 12, 1995              TAG: 9502150664
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  101 lines


Adelphi Circle, grand theft. Missing: currency, $990. Dec. 25.

Albright Drive, residential burglary. Missing: VCR, briefcase, leather coat, scanner valued at $1650. Currency, $1,800. Jan. 6.

Ardsley Square, motor vehicle theft. Missing: Dodge valued at $10,000. Jan. 10.

Ardsley Square, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: golf clubs valued at $450. Dec. 30.

Bermuda Drive, grand theft from building. Missing: vinyl planner, credit card, drivers license and calling card valued at $20. Currency, $360. Jan. 4.

Birks Lane, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: CD's and wallet valued at $460. Jan. 12.

Blakely Square, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: golf clubs valued at $500. Dec. 30.

Bridle Creek Boulevard, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: stereo and CD's valued at $850. Jan. 5.

Brockie Street, residential burglary. Missing: VCR, cordless phone, camcorder, camera and lens, jewelry, handcuffs, book bag and piggy bank valued at $6170. Currency, $50. Jan. 6.

Bryce Lane, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: radio, sweater, sneakers, wallet and electronic organizer valued at $1,249. Dec. 30.

Clear Spring Road, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: clothing and jewelry valued at $354. Dec. 30.

Clear Springs Road, grand theft. Missing: speakers and amplifier valued at $720. Dec. 29.

Edon Hall Lane, grand theft. Missing: camper trailer valued at $1,200. Recovered, $1200. Dec. 20.

Fairfield Shopping Center, theft. Missing: bicycle valued at $365. Dec. 27.

Green Valley Drive, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: CD's valued at $750. Jan. 6.

Harlie Avenue, motor vehicle theft. Missing: Honda Civic valued at $11,600. Jan. 10.

Hiawatha Drive, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: CD player and car phone valued at $425. Jan. 12.

Hiawatha Drive, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: camera bag, camera, lens and tapes valued at $830. Dec. 29.

Hiawatha Drive, petty theft from motor vehicle. Missing: brief case, work out gear, helmet and police uniform valued at $500. Dec. 29.

Indian River Road, grand theft from building. Missing: currency, $260. Jan. 1.

Josephine Crescent, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: CD player, amplifier, speakers and CD container valued at $1,050. Dec. 28.

Kemps River Drive, grand theft. Missing: bicycle valued at $325. Dec. 27.

Kempsville Road, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: stereo and base tuba valued at $350. Jan. 3.

Lacross Drive, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: stereo valued at $300. Dec. 30.

Lake Christopher Drive, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: tape deck, speakers and equalizer valued at $685. Jan. 2.

Lancelot Drive, grand theft from building. Missing: jewelry valued at $250. Dec. 29.

Lord Dunmore Drive, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: stereo, amplifier and CD's valued at $1,369. Dec. 30.

Locke Lane, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: jigsaw, and assorted tools valued at $452. Jan. 4.

Maize Drive, grand theft from residence. Missing: VCR, speakers and dresser drawer valued at $700. Dec. 26.

Manor Drive, grand theft from building. Missing: diamond ring valued at $2,500. Jan. 3.

Monroe Court, motor vehicle theft. Missing: Dodge valued at $8,000. Jan. 2.

Oldwick Court, motor vehicle theft. Missing: Ford truck valued at $5,000. Jan. 9.

Pine Forest Court, embezzlement. Missing: Mercury valued at $2,000. Jan. 3.

Princess Anne Road, motor vehicle theft. Missing: Ford Escort valued at $6,000. Jan. 12.

Princess Anne Road, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: stereo valued at $450. Dec. 27.

Princess Anne Road, non-residential burglary. Missing: Currency, $287. Jan. 6.

Riviera Arch, residential burglary. Missing: jewelry valued at $1180. Currency, $500. Jan. 5.

Riviera Arch, residential burglary. Missing: power router and assorted tools valued at $260. Jan. 2.

Riviera Drive, residential burglary. Missing: power saw valued at $300. Recovered: $300. Jan. 5.

Rochelle Arch, grand theft from building. Missing: jewelry valued at $1,450. Jan. 2.

Rodeo Drive, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: CD player and amplifier valued at $600. Jan. 3.

Sir Barton Drive, grand theft from motor vehicle. Missing: cellular phone valued at $400. Dec. 30.

Southaven Drive, grand theft. Missing: CD player valued at $1,003. Jan. 3.

Thamesford Drive, residential burglary. Missing: antique mirror, clock, nightstands, medical records and dishes valued at $840. Jan. 3.

Tradewinds Road, non-residential burglary. Missing: golf bag, golf cart, golf clubs and mittens valued at $1,665. Dec. 30.

Waff Road, residential burglary. Missing: wine, CD player, jewelry and CD's valued at $426. Jan. 3. by CNB