The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, February 17, 1995              TAG: 9502150169
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   83 lines


CHESAPEAKE PRIDE will serve fried chicken along with their songs and dances Sunday.

The team of Chesapeake high school performing volunteers will hold another one of its ``Dinner Theatre'' events Sunday afternoon at Oscar F. Smith High School.

The afternoon will feature a fried chicken dinner catered by Pollard's Chicken complete with coleslaw, baked beans, salad, rolls and a beverage.

While you're enjoying your lunch, the Chesapeake Pride team will show off its performing prowess with an afternoon show full of individual song performances and examples of the routines they'll offer to a national assembly in Indianapolis.

Chesapeake Pride is a group of Chesapeake high school student volunteers who perform programs throughout the city and the region espousing drug-free lives, self-esteem and civic/social responsibility.

The group, part of the national Pride student network, is led by artistic director Billy Williams and administrative director Malia Piper, a career guidance counselor at Oscar F. Smith High.

Each year the national Pride network holds a national convention at which students and group sponsors from all over the country meet with drug education counselors, educators, performers, directors, motivational and inspirational speakers and other experts to discuss new ideas, routines and other information related to performing, inspiring other students and urging other youngsters to live drug-free and responsible lives.

Chesapeake Pride members hope to attend this year's grand convention March 22-26 in Indianapolis. In order to raise the necessary money, they're inviting the city to eat chicken and enjoy their performing skills.

In fact, the group wants to showcase some of the routines that it will show off in Indiana.

``We have been picked to perform at the convention's opening All Star Talent Showcase,'' Piper said. ``That's one of the biggest deals in their organization. Only 11 teams nationally are picked to perform each year, and we're one of them.''

In addition, Piper said the group has been picked to perform at the convention's Friday morning general session, open to only to seven teams nationally.

``Other than getting selected as `Team of the Year' this is probably the highest honor a group can get at the convention,'' Piper said. ``And, with our kids, someday we'll get `Team of the Year,' too.''

To start the dinner theater, Piper said individual Pride performers will sing songs ranging from pop and country to Christian and soul.

The group will also show off the following routines:

``We Can Make a Difference,'' based on a routine written by the Ohio-based student organization Youth to Youth, deals with cultural and racial stereotypes, how they hurt and how people should look past them and only consider the positive aspects of any people.

``We want to show that if you limit your thinking to those stereotypes you're never going to grow and expand,'' Piper said. ``After that we go right into the song `We Go Together,' from `Grease.' ''

``Gotta Lotta Work to Do'' is a Pride routine used by most Pride troupes around the country. But the Chesapeake team isn't content to just perform it as most groups do.

``We've put the song to a country beat, and the kids have re-choreographed it to several country dance styles,'' Piper said. ``Our version of the routine is full of country line dance styles with the transition steps.''

``Building Bridges'' is a Chesapeake Pride routine that emphasizes reaching out to others and building bridges to overcome problems and understanding other people, Piper said.

``We're hoping people will come out Sunday to enjoy a good meal and see a group of very talented and dedicated kids,'' Piper said. ``These kids deserve a trip to Indianapolis, and we hope Chesapeake will help.'' ILLUSTRATION: JUST THE FACTS

What: Pride Dinner Theatre

Who: Chesapeake Pride and Chesapeake Pride Parents Boosters

Where: Oscar F. Smith High School

When: Sunday. Doors open at 1:15 p.m., Pollard's catered lunch

served at 1:30 p.m.

Cost: Tickets, includes Pride performances and lunch, are $6.

Available at the door or by calling 436-6457.

by CNB