The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, February 17, 1995              TAG: 9502170683
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C5   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   36 lines



Three players from Norcom High and one from Tallwood signed

grants-in-aid with Virginia Union. A headline in Thursday's sports

section incorrectly said that two from Tallwood and two from Norcom

signed with Union.

Former Buffalo Bills player Keith Goganious was taken in

Wednesday's NFL expansion draft by Jacksonville. A headline Thursday

had him picked by Carolina.

Myro Booker of Tallwood is qualified to accept a scholarship

under NCAA guidelines. A story in Thursday's editions incorrectly

identified him as a non-qualifier.

Arkansas defeated Alabama, 86-80, in men's basketball Wednesday

night. A headline in Thursday's editions had the wrong score.

The TCIS boys basketball semifinals will be held tonight. A story

Thursday incorrectly had the games listed for Thursday.

Lake Taylor wrestlers Donnie, Joel and Paul Jimenez were

misidentified as all being brothers in a photo caption in

Wednesday's sports section. Donnie and Joel are brothers, Paul is a


by CNB