The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, February 19, 1995              TAG: 9502170218
TYPE: Close-Up 
SOURCE: Janelle La Bouve 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   72 lines


``Can you help me?'' asked a young man with a worried look. ``My car is running hot.''

``Does it have plenty of oil?'' asked 62-year-old Bill Midgette.

``I think so,'' the customer said. ``But the oil light keeps coming on.''

Midgette raised the hood of the car and pulled out the dip stick.

``Out of oil,'' Midgette said.

Lester Roberts, Midgette's friend and helper, added two quarts of oil.

Midgette has been the proprietor of Bill Midgette's Auto Shop, a Texaco station at 2600 Bainbridge Blvd., for more than 35 years.

``He's one of a dying breed,'' said Roberts. ``You don't see a station like this anymore. He still checks oil and tires and cleans the windshield.''

The next person through the door had called earlier for instructions to replace a headlight.

``. . . You couldn't get it out?'' Midgette asked. ``Come out here and I'll show you what to do.

``I come from the old school,'' Midgette said. ``I want to do things to help people. To my knowledge we have never overcharged anyone. I charge what we feel is a reasonable price. It's not fair to overprice.

``Back when I had five stations and seven people working for me, we used to have a saying: If anyone is to be cheated I want it to me,'' he said.

One customer has been quite pleased with Midgette's work and his prices.

``The repair work that he has done for me has been top quality, and it has been done quickly,'' said customer Pat Dunleavy. ``He's a wonderful, friendly man who always has a kind word. Everyone who knows him, loves him.''

There's more than work going on at the station.

``Every morning all the old timers - 10 to 15 guys - come up here,'' Midgette said. ``We just hang around more than anything else and argue about current topics. Most of us played football together at South Norfolk High School.

``I love it,'' he said. ``I wouldn't do anything else. I really don't want to retire.''

Full name: William W. Midgette Jr.

Grew up: South Norfolk

Fond childhood memories: ``Going fishing with my dad. We fished for spot, croaker or striped bass - whatever was in season. We went crabbing, too. It was a necessity. We'd clean the fish, put them in a barrel and salt them down. Then we'd eat them all year long.''

Spouse: Ruth

Children: Tony and Trudy

Occupation: Service station owner and operator

Hobbies: ``If I have a hobby, it's studying history.''

Favorite song: ``Stardust''

Favorite movie: ``High Noon''

Can't resist: ``Candy''

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? ``I'm pretty happy. I wouldn't even want to win the lottery.''

Greatest accomplishment: ``I made it from a poor boy to owning and operating my own business.''

Favorite TV program: ``I watch The Learning Channel. Anything about history.''

Favorite Chesapeake restaurant: ``I don't go to them. At night, whatever time I get home, my wife makes a meal for me. That's when I eat my one meal a day.'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by STEVE EARLEY

``I come from the old school. I want to do things to help people,''

says service station owner Bill Midgette.

by CNB