The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, February 19, 1995              TAG: 9502180593
                                             LENGTH: Short :   41 lines


The City Council took the following actions at its meeting Wednesday:

Public hearing on consideration of a conditional-use permit request for a custom woodworking business to occupy a vacant commercial building at 2408 Pruden Blvd. Approved 7-0

Public hearing on consideration of a variance request from the city's subdivision ordinance that requires any subdivided property to follow the corporate boundaries of the city of Suffolk and not cross such political boundaries. Approved 7-0

An ordinance to appropriate $467,128 to the Suffolk public school system. (first reading)

An ordinance amending Chapter 8 - Elections - section 8-3, Polling Place Precincts, of the Code of Laws of the city of Suffolk. (first reading)

A resolution requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to include Beamon's Mill Trail, B Street and Mill Pond Court in the Beamon's Mill subdivision, Section 1, into the state Secondary Road System. Approved 7-0

A resolution requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to include Greenfield Crescent in the Southside Meadows subdivision into the state Secondary Road System. Approved 7-0

A resolution authorizing the city to make final offers to owners of property needed for construction of courthouse complex. Approved 7-0

Resolution to establish a City Council work session for Wednesday, March 1, at 5 p.m. unless canceled. Approved, 7-0 MEMO: City Council meetings are telecast live beginning at 7 p.m. on

Municipal Access TV/Channel 13 on Falcon Cable. It will be repeated at

10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thursday through Sunday.

The work session on the fourth Wednesday is taped and aired at 10

a.m. and 7 p.m. the following Thursday through Sunday.

by CNB