The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, February 26, 1995              TAG: 9502240215
TYPE: Editorial 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   35 lines


Designating as a beltway the interstates that connect all Hampton Roads cities is the best idea to come down the pike in a long time.

The interstates truly form a circle around the region and would make Hampton Roads more of a visual entity for those who do not live here. Eventually, after they looked at the beltway long enough, even the residents would begin to see Hampton Roads as a place.

Interstate 64 is confusing, marked east when you're driving west. Certainly, having a beltway would simplify giving directions: ``Get on the beltway and turn off at. . . ''

Portsmouth probably would benefit from such a designation, not only as a part of the region but also because two other interstates already go from the proposed beltway into Portsmouth.

The beltway designation possibly might help speed up construction of the Pinners Point connector from I-164 (Western Freeway) to the Virginia Ports and Midtown Tunnel. Interstate 264 traverses Portsmouth and Norfolk, connecting on both ends with I-64 what would become part of the beltway.

But, aside from any benefits to any individual city, all would benefit if others saw the region as a single entity.

The circle of roads is already in place. Why not make it officially the ``Hampton Roads Beltway?'' by CNB