The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, April 5, 1995               TAG: 9504040134
TYPE: Close-Up 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   73 lines


Nine-to-five doesn't describe Chase Sargent's job. His working hours could be 3 a.m., 7 p.m., 11 a.m. As special operations battalion chief for the Fire Department, he might get called out at any time. Even at home in the middle of the night, ``I'll get called and they'll say `come on down.' '' he said.

At one time Sargent, who joined the firefighting volunteers right out of high school, thought he might be an accountant. It didn't take long at Virginia Tech for him to realize he didn't want to ``crunch numbers.''

Next, he went into forestry and wildlife, but even in college he volunteered for rescue squads. ``It's just a love I had,'' he said. When he got a job offer back in Virginia Beach after graduation, he took it.

He still fights fires occasionally, if there's a really big one, but says he's rather ``be jumping out of helicopters or climbing in collapsed buildings. That's my real love. That's what the speciality teams do.''

Full name: Chase Nelson Sargent.

Hometown: Born in Pensacola, Fla., and lived wherever Dad was stationed.

What brought you to the Beach? Dad and Mom. He was a Navy aviator.

Birthdate: Nov. 7, 1955.

Occupation: Battalion Chief, Special Operations, Virginia Beach Fire Department.

Nickname: Lots of them. But none you can print here.

Marital status: Married 13 years to a great friend, Kathy.

Children: One - Brandon, my second-best friend and pride and joy.

What is your idea of a perfect day off? Stretched out on the beach with family and a cooler (no pager or radio), followed by sushi and ending with a poker game with the Purdys and Scotts (with me winning of course).

Last smart thing you did: Opened up the corporation ``Spec Rescue of America'' with my partners, Buddy, Mike and Dan.

Last dumb thing you did: Sold T-shirts in the wrong political environment.

Favorite meal: Sushi, any seafood and any ``real'' Mexican food.

Favorite movies: ``Weird Science,'' ``Dragon'' and any Steven Segal or Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.

Favorite song: ``Follow Your Dreams'' by Poco and ``Storm Warning'' by Bonnie Raitt.

Last book read: ``Embraced by the Light.''

Hobbies: Taekwondo, adult baseball, camping, tennis, bike riding and shooting.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Try to be more patient and a better listener.

If you could change one thing about your spouse, what would it be? Do you think I stayed married 13 years by answering questions like this?

Secret vice: Which one? Jack Daniels on the rocks.

Favorite restaurant: Sushi bar at Shogun.

Your favorite night on the town: Anything spontaneous with my wife and/or friends.

Favorite TV shows: Any military documentary, ``Seinfeld'' and ``Tour of Duty,'' a Vietnam series that is off the air now.

Favorite sport: Baseball and Taekwondo.

Last vacation: Ocracoke Island on the beach.

Pets: A mutt named ``Tanner.''

Worst job: Cleaning toilets and emptying trash cans at a campground when I was 15.

Of what achievements are you most proud? The raising of my son has given me great joy and a real challenge. Also, working with the Virginia Beach Fire Department Special Operations teams and watching them develop into high-tech, customer-service-oriented teams has been rewarding.

What would you like as your epitaph? ``I hate it when this happens!'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by CHARLIE MEADS

by CNB