The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, April 8, 1995                TAG: 9504080347
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C5   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   43 lines


Hampton Roads Admirals coach John Brophy and LPGA pro Nancy White are newlyweds.

Well, not exactly newlyweds. The Virginia Beach couple acknowledged Thursday that they were married three months ago, on Jan. 3, in a brief civil ceremony at Virginia Beach City Hall.

White left the next day for three weeks in Florida, where she began preparing for the LPGA season. Brophy, meanwhile, kept a lid on the news.

``John doesn't want anything personal to distract from the team,'' said Admirals' president Blake Cullen, who added that Brophy politely rejected offers from the team to ``do something special'' to announce the wedding during the season.

The Admirals were eliminated from the ECHL playoffs last week by Tallahassee, and Brophy is no longer keeping secrets.

White informed the LPGA Thursday that she's officially changing her name to White-Brophy. Eventually, she'll change her name to Brophy, but for name-recognition purposes, will retain White for a year or two.

``People (following the tour) would wonder who Nancy Brophy was,'' she said. ``Now they'll have a while to get used to the name change.''

White, like Brophy a native Canadian, came to Hampton Roads with him six years ago when he was named the Admirals' coach. They met and began dating eight years ago while he was coaching the Toronto Maple Leafs.

``We've been trying to find a day in the last two years when we both had time off,'' White said.

The couple left Friday for Pinehurst, N.C., where White will play next week. Brophy is White's caddy when he's not coaching.

``I hated to see the Admirals lose, but it's so much easier for me to play when John is around,'' White said. ``He understands me and my game so well.'' ILLUSTRATION: John Brophy

by CNB