The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Monday, April 10, 1995                 TAG: 9504070019
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A6   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   27 lines


My hat is off to Gov. George Allen for not accepting the clinic-access bill. Finally, a high-ranking politician who does not give in to mass hysteria by trampling the rights of those who happen to be pro-life.

I always thought that the vote I cast for George Allen would be one of the best votes I ever cast and, sure enough, it has been. In November, when Virginia throws out a few more liberal pro-abortion politicians, this bill will never be a threat again.

As far as violence against clinics is concerned, when has oppressing a cause ever made the cause less violent?

And, finally, if sit-ins at abortion clinics are to be a crime, then sit-ins anywhere must be crimes. It is only fair.


Virginia Beach, April 2, 1995 by CNB