The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, April 14, 1995                 TAG: 9504120153
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   69 lines


Good treatment

On April 3, I was hospitalized at Chesapeake General Hospital for surgery and spent the night. The care that I received was the best I've ever had in a hospital.

From the start, being prepped for surgery, I was made to feel special. The doctors and nurses went the extra mile in their caring. My post-op care in the East Unit, Second Floor, was superior. I felt like royalty.

If all the hospitals in Virginia took a page from Chesapeake General's book, there would surely be happier patients. Thanks to everyone at Chesapeake General - my doctor, the anesthesiologist, the sweet nurses, the aides and the dietitians.

Dorothy Ross

Sea Swept Road Support libraries

Ida Kay Jordan's article on the regional library system should be of considerable interest to citizens of all four cities.

While I don't think we will see a regional library system anytime soon, I am happy to report that the public library section of the Virginia Library Association and the friends of Virginia Libraries are working on a program called ``The Virginia Passport,'' which will act as a library card for any residents of Virginia to use at any participating library across the state.

I would like to urge any and all interested readers to join their local ``Friends of the Library'' group and to add their support to this program.

J.H. ``Jack'' Robertson

Vice president

Friends of Virginia Libraries

Saddlehorn Drive Protect families

Family violence is increasing at an alarming rate. Many Hampton Roads children, our future generation, are trapped in a vicious cycle. A child who is the victim of abuse or neglect or who witnesses abuse in the home is six times more likely to become an adult who abuses. The impact of this cycle affects us all in our homes, our schools, our streets and even our work places.

When we complete our state income taxes for 1994, we can check off line 27(h) designating all or a specified portion of our refund to go to the funding of family violence prevention and education programs through the Family and Children's Trust Fund of Virginia. FACT is a public-private, non-rpofit organization established by the General Assembly. If a tax refund is not available, we can still make a direct contribution to FACT by completing line 27(h) of the tax return.

To report child abuse and neglect or to be referred to community programs for help with the stress of parnting you are invited to call the 24-hour Virginia Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1 (800) 552-7096. There is another 24-hour hotline which provides support, information and referrals to people in violent family situations. That number is 1 (800) 838-8238.

We must protect our Hampton Roads children and families from abuse. If not, we will have to protect ourselves from the violence it will produce. Everyone wants to do something about violence. Donating to FACT is easy to do, and it works.

Mary C. Haddad

Trustee, FACT

Masters Row by CNB